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Author: Eurlex2018q4


(13) вж наред с другото: Решение на Съда от 20 септември 2016 г., Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P)/Европейска комисия и Европейска централна банка (Съединени дела C-8/15 P до C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, т. 67 и сл.
(13) Viz mj.: Rozsudek Soudního dvora EU ze dne 20. září 2016 ve spojených věcech Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) proti Evropské komisi a Evropské centrální bance, (spojené věci C-8/15 P až C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, bod 67 a dále.
(13) Se bl.a.: Den Europæiske Unions Domstols dom af 20. september 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (sag C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (sag C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (sag C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (sag C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (sag C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (sag C-10/15 P) mod Europa-Kommissionen, Den Europæiske Centralbank (forenede sager C-8/15 P — C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, præmis 67 ff.
(13) Siehe unter anderem: EuGH, Urteil vom 20. September 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) gegen Europäische Kommission und Europäische Zentralbank (verbundene Rechtssachen C-8/15 P bis C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, Rdnrn. 67 ff.
(13) Βλέπε μεταξύ άλλων: Απόφαση του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου της 20ής Σεπτεμβρίου 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Ανδρέας Ελευθερίου (C-9/15 P), Ελένη Ελευθερίου (C-9/15 P), Λίλια Παπαχριστοφή (C-9/15 P), Χρίστος Θεοφίλου (C-10/15 P), Ελένη Θεοφίλου (C-10/15 P) κατά Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής και Ευρωπαϊκής Κεντρικής Τράπεζας (συνεκδικασθείσες υποθέσεις C-8/15 P έως C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, σκέψεις 67 επ.
(13) See inter alia: CJEU judgment of 20 September 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) v European Commission and European Central Bank (Joined Cases C-8/15 P to C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, paragraphs 67 ff.
(13) Véase, entre otros: sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de 20 de septiembre de 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) contra Comisión Europea y Banco Central Europeo (Asuntos acumulados C-8/15 P a C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, apartados 67 y ss.
(13) Vt muu hulgas: Euroopa Liidu Kohtu 20. septembri 2016. aasta otsus – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), (C-9/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) vs. Euroopa Komisjon ja Euroopa Keskpank (liidetud kohtuasjad C-8/15 P ja C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, punkt 67 jj;
(13) Katso muun muassa: unionin tuomioistuimen 20. syyskuuta 2016 antama tuomio asioissa Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P) ja Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) vastaan Euroopan komissio ja Euroopan keskuspankki (yhdistetyt asiat C-8/15 P – C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, 67 kohta ja sitä seuraavat kohdat.
(13) Voir notamment: Arrêt de la CJUE du 20 septembre 2016, Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) contre Commission européenne, Banque centrale européenne (affaires jointes C-8/15 P à C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, point 67 et suivants.
(13) Vidjeti, među ostalim: Presuda Suda Europske unije od 20. rujna 2016. – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) protiv Europske komisije i Europske središnje banke (spojeni predmeti C-8/15 P do C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, stavak 67. i dalje.
(13) Ld. többek között: Az EUB-nek a Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P.), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P.), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P.), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P.), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P.), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P.) kontra Európai Bizottság és Európai Központi Bank (C-8/15 P – C-10/15 P. egyesített ügyek) ügyekben hozott, 2016. szeptember 20-i ítélete, ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, 67. és azt követő pontok.
(13) Cfr. tra gli altri: sentenza della Corte di giustizia del 20 settembre 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) contro Commissione europea e Banca centrale europea (cause riunite da C-8/15 P a C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, punti 67 e segg.
(13) Žr., be kita ko, Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo 2016 m. rugsėjo 20 d. sprendimo Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) prieš Europos Komisiją ir Europos Centrinį Banką (sujungtos bylos C-8/15 P – C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, 67 ir tolesnius punktus.
(13) Skatīt arī: Tiesas 2016. gada 20. septembra spriedums — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) pret Eiropas Komisiju, Eiropas Centrālo banku (apvienotās lietas no C-8/15 P līdz C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, 67. un turpmākie punkti;
(13) Ara, inter alia: Sentenza tal-QtĠ-UE tal-20 ta' Settembru 2016 – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) vs il-Kummissjoni Ewropea u l-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew (Kawżi Magħquda C-8/15 P sa C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, punti 67 et seq.
(13) Zie onder meer: Arrest van het HvJ-EU van 20 september 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) v Europese Commissie en Europese Centrale Bank (gevoegde zaken C-8/15 P tot en met C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, punten 67 e.v.
(13) Zob. wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z dnia 20 września 2016 r. w sprawie C-8/15 P Ledra Advertising Ltd., C-9/15 P Andreas Eleftheriou, C-9/15 P Eleni Eleftheriou, C-9/15 P Lilia Papachristofi, C-10/15 P Christos Theophilou, C-10/15 P Eleni Theophilou przeciwko Komisji Europejskiej i Europejskiemu Bankowi Centralnemu (sprawy połączone C-8/15 P do C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, pkt 67 i kolejne.
(13) Ver, entre outros, Acórdão do TJUE de 20 de setembro de 2016 — Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) / Comissão Europeia, Banco Central Europeu (Processos apensos C-8/15 P a C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, pontos 67 e seguintes.
(13) A se vedea, printre altele: Hotărârea CJUE din 20 septembrie 2016 – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) v Comisia Europeană, Banca Centrală Europeană (cauzele conexate C-8/15 P – C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, punctul 67 și următoarele.
(13) Pozri o. i.: Rozsudok Súdneho dvora z 20. septembra 2016, Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P)/Európska komisia a Európska centrálna banka (spojené veci C-8/15 P až C-10/15 P), ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, bod 67 a nasl.
(13) Glej med drugim: Sodba Sodišča EU z dne 20. septembra 2016 – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilio Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P) proti Evropski komisiji in Evropski centralni banki (združene zadeve C-8/15 P do C-10/15 P, ECLI:EU:C:2016:701, odstavek 67 in naslednji.
(13) Se bland annat domstolens dom av den 20 september 2016 – Ledra Advertising Ltd (C-8/15 P), Andreas Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Eleni Eleftheriou (C-9/15 P), Lilia Papachristofi (C-9/15 P), Christos Theophilou (C-10/15 P), Eleni Theophilou (C-10/15 P)/kommissionen och Europeiska centralbanken (de gemensamma målen C-8/15 P till C-10/15 P), punkt 67 och följande.


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