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44 – Stanovisko generálního advokáta Capotortiho ve věci CILFIT (uvedené v poznámce pod čarou 42; rozsudek citován v poznámce 10), bod 4; srov. také Pescatore, „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‚Acte Clair‘“ v: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (41 a 43 a násl.).
45 – Forslag til afgørelse fra generaladvokat Capotorti i sagen CILFIT m.fl. (nævnt ovenfor i fodnote 42, mens dommen er nævnt ovenfor i fodnote 10), punkt 4; jf. også Pescatore, »Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of »Acte Clair«, Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, s. 27 (på s. 41 og 43 ff.).
45 – Βλ. προαναφερθείσες στην υποσημείωση 42 προτάσεις του γενικού εισαγγελέα Capotorti στην υπόθεση Cilfit κ.λπ. (υποσημείωση 10), σημείο 4· επίσης, Pescatore, «Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of “Acte Clair”» στο: LegalProblemsofanEnlargedEuropeanCommunity, 1972, σ. 27 (ιδίως, σ. 41 και 43 επ.).
45 – Opinion of Advocate General Capotorti in Cilfit (cited in footnote 10), point 4; see also Pescatore, ‘Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of “Acte Clair”’ in Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (pp. 41 and 43 et seq.).
45 – Conclusiones del Abogado General Capotorti presentadas en el asunto CILFIT, (citadas en la nota 42 supra, sentencia citada en la nota 10 supra), punto 4; véase también Pescatore, «Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine “of Acte Clair”» in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, pp. 27 y ss. (en particular, pp. 41, 43 y 44).
45 – 42. joonealuses märkuses viidatud kohtujurist F. Capotorti ettepanek 10. joonealuses märkuses viidatud kohtuotsusele Cilfit, punkt 4; vt ka Pescatore, P., „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of „Acte Clair””, Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, lk 27 (41 ning 43 jj).
45 – Julkisasiamies Capotortin edellä alaviitteessä 10 mainitussa asiassa CILFIT ym. esittämän, edellä alaviitteessä 42 mainitun ratkaisuehdotuksen 4 kohta; vrt. myös Pescatore, ”Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ’Acte Clair’”, Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, s. 27 ja erityisesti s. 41 sekä s. 43 ja 44.
45 – Conclusions de l’avocat général Capotorti dans l’affaire Cilfit e.a. (déjà citées à la note 42), point 4; voir également Pescatore, «Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‘Acte Clair’», Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (pp. 41, 43 et suiv.).
45 – Capotorti főtanácsnok 42. lábjegyzetben hivatkozott Cilfit és társai ügyre vonatkozó indítványának 4. pontja (az ítéletre a 10. lábjegyzetben történt hivatkozás); lásd még Pescatore, „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‚Acte Clair‘”, in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community , 1972., 27 (41. és 43. és azt követő oldal).
45 – V. conclusioni dell'avvocato generale Capotorti nella causa CILFIT (citate alla nota 42, sentenza citata alla nota 10), paragrafo 4; v. anche Pescatore, «Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of “Acte Clair”» in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (41 e 43 segg.).
45 – Ģenerāladvokāta Kapotorti secinājumi lietā CILFIT (minēti 42. zemsvītras piezīmē; spriedums minēts 10. zemsvītras piezīmē), 4. punkts; skat. arī Pescatore. Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of “Acte Clair”. No: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27. (41., 43. un turpmākās lpp.).
45 – Conclusie van advocaat-generaal Capotorti bij arrest CILFIT (aangehaald in voetnoot 42, arrest aangehaald in voetnoot 10, punt 4); vgl. ook Pescatore, „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‚Acte Clair’” in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (41 en 43 e.v.).
45 – Wyżej wymieniona w przypisie 42 opinia rzecznika generalnego Capotorti w sprawie CILFIT pkt 4 (wyrok ww. w przypisie 10); zobacz także Pescatore, „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of »Acte Clair«” [w:] Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, str. 27 (str. 41, 43 i nast.).
45 – Conclusões do advogado‐geral F. Capotorti no processo CILFIT (já referidas na nota 42, acórdão já referido na nota 10, n.° 4); v., igualmente, Pescatore, P., «Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‘Acte Clair’» in Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, p. 27, especialmente pp. 41 e 43 e segs.
45 – Návrhy, ktoré predniesol generálny advokát Capotorti vo veci Cilfit a i. (už citované v poznámke pod čiarou 42), bod 4; pozri tiež Pescatore: „Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ,Acte Clair‘“ in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (s. 41 a 43 a nasl.).
45 – Sklepni predlogi generalnega pravobranilca Capotortija v zadevi CILFIT (navedeni v opombi 42, sodba, navedena v opombi 10), št. 4; glej tudi Pescatore, Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of ‚Acte Clair‘ in: Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (str. 41, 43 in naslednje).
45 – Se generaladvokaten Capotortis förslag till avgörande i målet CILFIT, (ovan fotnot 42, domen nämnd ovan i fotnot 10), punkt 4. Jämför även Pescatore, ”Interpretation of Community Law and the Doctrine of Acte Clair” i Legal Problems of an Enlarged European Community, 1972, 27 (sidan 41 och sidan 43 och följande sida).


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