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While Japan and South Korea have market economies under democratic systems of government, China has switched to a market economy while maintaining the political dominance of the socialist-era Communist Party. This makes it difficult to achieve strategic reciprocity covering both the political and economic fronts. With respect to environmental issues, such as the relatively recent phenomenon of PM2.5 and the Asian dust that has affected both China and its neighbors for some time, the tendency has been to think in terms of relationships "upwind" versus "downwind"—or, in the case of maritime pollution, "upstream" versus "downstream."
这里不仅有日本和韩国等实行市场经济的国家,也有中国这样一面维持着社会主义国家时代的共产党领导体制,一面又在彻底地向市场主义经济转型的国家,在这种情况下,很难形成在政治和经济上具有共性的战略互惠关系。 在环境问题方面,除了PM2.5和过去就一直存在的沙尘问题外,海洋污染等问题也让人首先关注到上风与下风(上游与下游)的关联性。


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