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Author: EurLex-2


Напротив, според Общия съд думата „секция“ трябва да се разбира в смисъл на „една от повече или по-малко обособените части, на които е разделено или може да се раздели нещо, или от които това нещо е съставено“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
Podle Tribunálu má být slovo „průřez“ naopak chápáno ve smyslu „jedné z více či méně rozdílných částí, na které je věc rozdělena či může být rozdělena, nebo které ji tvoří“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
Ifølge Retten var det snarere i betydningen »en af de mere eller mindre særprægede dele, som noget er opdelt eller kan opdeles i, eller som det er sammensat af« (»any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up«, Oxford Dictionary), at ordet »tværsnit« skal forstås i.
Nach Ansicht des Gerichts ist das Wort „Querschnitt“ vielmehr im Sinne „eines der mehr oder weniger unabhängigen Teile, in die etwas geteilt ist oder geteilt werden kann oder aus denen es besteht“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary) zu verstehen.
Κατά το Γενικό Δικαστήριο, η έννοια «τμήμα» πρέπει να νοηθεί, αντιθέτως, ως «ένα από τα, περισσότερο ή λιγότερο, διακριτά μέρη στα οποία κάτι υποδιαιρείται ή μπορεί να διαιρεθεί ή από τα οποία τούτο απαρτίζεται» («any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up», Oxford Dictionary).
According to the General Court, the word ‘section’ should, on the contrary, be understood as meaning ‘any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up’ as defined in the Oxford Dictionary.
Según el Tribunal General, la palabra «sección» debe ser entendida, al contrario, en el sentido de «una de las partes más o menos distintas en las que cualquier cosa se divide o puede ser dividida o de las que está compuesta» («any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up», Oxford Dictionary).
Üldkohtu sõnul tuleb sõna „lõige” mõista hoopis kui „mõni rohkem või vähem eristuvatest osadest, millesse miski võib jagada või millest miski koosneb” („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Unionin yleisen tuomioistuimen mukaan sanan ”lohko” on päinvastoin katsottava tarkoittavan ”jotakin enemmän tai vähemmän erottuvista osista, joihin jokin on jaettu tai voidaan jakaa tai joista jokin koostuu” (”any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Selon le Tribunal, c’est, au contraire, au sens «d’une des parties plus ou moins distinctes en lesquelles quelque chose est ou peut être divisé ou dont celle-ci est constituée» («any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up», Oxford Dictionary) que le mot «section» doit être compris.
Prema Općem sudu, upravo suprotno, riječ odjeljak treba razumjeti na način da znači „jedan od manje ili više zasebnih dijelova na koje je nešto podijeljeno ili može biti podijeljeno ili od čega se sastoji“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
A Törvényszék álláspontja szerint a „keresztmetszet” kifejezést, épp ellenkezőleg, úgy kell érteni, mint „olyan többé‐kevésbé elkülönülő részek valamelyike, amelyen belül valamely dolog fel van osztva vagy felosztható, vagy amelyből e dolog felépül” („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Secondo il Tribunale, al contrario, la parola «sezione» va intesa nel senso «di una della parti più o meno distinte in cui qualcosa è o può essere diviso o di cui è costituito» («any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up», Oxford Dictionary).
Bendrojo Teismo teigimu, žodis „pjūvis“ turi būti suprantamas kaip „viena iš daugiau ar mažiau skirtingų dalių, į kurias daiktas yra ar gali būti suskaidytas ar iš kurių jis sudarytas“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
Vispārējās tiesas ieskatā, tieši pretēji, vārds “posms” ir jāsaprot kā “kāda no vairāk vai mazāk nošķirtām daļām, kurās kaut kas ir vai var tikt sadalīts vai no kurām tas sastāv” (“any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Skont il-Qorti Ġenerali, huwa, għall-kuntrarju, fis-sens “ta’ waħda mill-partijiet ftit jew wisq distinti li fihom oġġett huwa jew jista’ jiġi diviż jew li minnhom huwa kompost” (“any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary) li għandha tinftiehem il-kelma “sezzjoni”.
Volgens het Gerecht moet het woord „section” daarentegen worden opgevat als „een van de min of meer onderscheiden delen waarin iets is of kan worden opgedeeld of waaruit iets bestaat” („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
W ocenie Sądu słowo „odcinek” miało raczej oznaczać „jedną z bardziej lub mniej wyodrębnionych części, na które coś jest albo może zostać podzielone bądź też z których się składa” („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Pelo contrário, segundo o Tribunal Geral, a palavra «secção» deve ser entendida no sentido de «uma das partes mais ou menos distintas nas quais algo é ou pode ser dividido ou que compõe esse algo» («any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up», Oxford Dictionary).
Dimpotrivă, potrivit Tribunalului, cuvântul „secțiune” trebuie înțeles ca semnificând „una dintre părțile mai mult sau mai puțin distincte în care orice lucru este sau poate fi divizat sau din care este constituit” („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).
Podľa Všeobecného súdu treba naopak slovo „diel“ chápať v tom význame, že ide o „jednu z viacerých viac či menej odlišných častí, na ktoré je nejaká vec rozdelená alebo ju tak možno rozdeliť a ktoré sú jej súčasťou“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
Po mnenju Splošnega sodišča je, nasprotno, besedo „prerez“ treba razumeti v smislu „enega od bolj ali manj različnih delov, na katere se neka stvar deli ali jo je mogoče razdeliti ali iz katerih je sestavljena“ („any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up“, Oxford Dictionary).
Enligt tribunalen ska ordet ”section” istället förstås i betydelsen ”en av de mer eller mindre klart avgränsade delar i vilka någonting är uppdelat eller kan delas upp i eller vilka det består av” (”any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up”, Oxford Dictionary).


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