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The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union. — Common Market Law Review. 2007, No 6, р. 1636, припомня, че целта на производството за неизпълнение на задължения от държава членка по член 226 ЕО е Съдът да установи дали държавата членка е нарушила общностното право.
Lenaerts, K., „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union“, Common Market Law Review, 2007, sešit 6, s. 1636, připomíná, že účelem řízení pro nesplnění povinnosti podle článku 226 ES je, aby Soudní dvůr konstatoval, že jednání členského státu je v rozporu s právem Společenství.
K Lenaerts: »The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union«, Common Market Law Review, 2007, hæfte 6, s. 1636, anfører, at traktatbrudsproceduren i medfør af artikel 226 EF har til formål at give Domstolen kompetence til at fastslå, at en medlemsstat ved sin adfærd har tilsidesat fællesskabsretten.
Lenaerts, K., „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union“, Common Market Law Review, 2007, Heft 6, S. 1636, erinnert daran, dass das Vertragsverletzungsverfahren nach Art. 226 EG auf eine Feststellung durch den Gerichtshof, dass das Verhalten eines Mitgliedstaats das Gemeinschaftsrecht verletzt, abzielt.
Ο Lenaerts, Κ., «The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union», CommonMarketLawReview, 2007, τεύχος 6, σ. 1636, υπενθυμίζει ότι η διαδικασία αναγνωρίσεως παραβάσεως κατά το άρθρο 226 ΕΚ αποσκοπεί στη διαπίστωση από το Δικαστήριο της εκ μέρους κράτους μέλους παραβιάσεως του κοινοτικού δικαίου.
Lenaerts, K., ‘The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union’, Common Market Law Review, 6/2007, p. 1636, recalls the fact that in Treaty infringement proceedings under Article 226 EC a declaration is sought by which the Court establishes that the conduct of a Member State infringes Community law.
Lenaerts, K., «The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union», Common Market Law Review, 2007, cuaderno 6, p. 1636, recuerda que el procedimiento por infracción con arreglo al artículo 226 CE tiene por objeto una declaración del Tribunal de Justicia de que el comportamiento de un Estado miembro infringe el Derecho comunitario.
Lenaerts, K., „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the Europaen Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, kd 6, lk 1636, meenutab, et EÜ artikli 226 kohase liikmesriigi kohustuste rikkumise menetluse eesmärk on Euroopa Kohtu poolne tuvastamine, et liikmesriigi käitumine on vastuolus ühenduse õigusega.
Ks. Lenaerts, K., ”The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, nro 6, s. 1636, jossa muistutetaan, että EY 226 artiklan mukaisessa jäsenyysvelvoitteiden noudattamatta jättämistä koskevassa menettelyssä yhteisöjen tuomioistuimen tehtävänä on todeta, onko jäsenvaltio toiminut yhteisön oikeuden vastaisesti.
Lenaerts, K., «The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union», Common Market Law Review, 2007, 6è cahier, p. 1636, rappelle que la procédure en manquement au titre de l’article 226 CE vise à faire constater par la Cour la violation du droit communautaire par un État membre.
K. Lenaerts: „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007., 6. füzet, 1636. o., arra emlékeztet, hogy az EK 226. cikk szerinti jogsértési eljárás célja annak a Bíróság általi megállapítása, hogy a tagállam cselekedetével megsértette a közösségi jogot.
Lenaerts, K., «The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union», Common Market Law Review, 2007, fascicolo 6, pag. 1636, ricorda che lo scopo del procedimento per inadempimento a norma dell’art. 226 CE è una costatazione da parte della Corte di giustizia che il comportamento di uno Stato membro viola il diritto comunitario.
K. Lenaerts „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union“, Common Market Law Review, 2007, Nr. 6, p. 1636, primena, kad įsipareigojimų neįvykdymo procedūra pagal EB 226 straipsnį siekiama Teisingumo Teismo išaiškinimo, jog valstybės narės elgesys pažeidžia Bendrijos teisę.
Lenaerts, K. “The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, 6. burtnīca, 1636. lpp., atgādina, ka atbilstoši EKL 226. pantam ierosinātas tiesvedības par valsts pienākumu neizpildi mērķis ir konstatēt Tiesā, ka kādas dalībvalsts rīcība pārkāpj Kopienu tiesības.
K. Lenaerts, “The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, is-sitt ktieb, p. 1636 ifakkar li l-iskop tal-proċedura għan-nuqqas ta’ Stat li jwettaq obbligu abbażi tal-Artikolu 226 KE hu li l-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tikkonstata l-ksur tad-dritt Komunitarju minn Stat Membru.
Lenaerts, K., „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, aflevering 6, blz. 1636, brengt in herinnering, dat de niet-nakomingsprocedure van artikel 226 EG ertoe strekt, het Hof te doen vaststellen dat de handelwijze van een lidstaat inbreuk maakt op het gemeenschaprecht.
Lenaerts, The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union, Common Market Law Review, 2007, zeszyt 6, s. 1636, przypomina, że postępowanie o stwierdzenie uchybienia zobowiązaniom państwa członkowskiego na podstawie art. 226 WE dotyczy stwierdzenia przez Trybunał, że zachowanie państwa członkowskiego narusza prawo wspólnotowe.
Lenaerts, K. – «The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union», Common Market Law Review, 2007, caderno 6, p. 1636, lembra que a acção por incumprimento nos termos do artigo 226. ° CE tem por objecto a constatação, pelo Tribunal de Justiça, de que o comportamento de um Estado‐Membro viola o direito comunitário.
Lenaerts, K., „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, în Common Market Law Review, 2007, caietul 6, p. 1636, amintește că procedura de constatare a neîndeplinirii obligațiilor în temeiul articolului 226 CE vizează constatarea de către Curte a încălcării dreptului comunitar de un stat membru.
LENAERTS, K.: The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union. In: Common Market Law Review, zošit 6, 2007, s. 1636, pripomína, že účelom konania o nesplnenie povinnosti podľa článku 226 ES je to, aby Súdny dvor konštatoval porušenie práva Spoločenstva členským štátom.
Lenaerts, K. (v „The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union“, Common Market Law Review, 2007, zvezek 6, str. 1636) spominja na to, da stremi postopek zaradi neizpolnitve obveznosti v skladu s členom 226 ES k ugotovitvi Sodišča, da ravnanje države članice krši pravo Skupnosti.
Lenaerts, K., ”The rule of law and the coherence of the judicial system of the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2007, häfte 6, s. 1636, har erinrat om att fördragsbrottsförfarandet enligt artikel 226 EG syftar till att få domstolen att fastställa att en handling från en medlemsstat utgör ett åsidosättande av gemenskapsrätten.


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