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(26) „European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union“ (Европейска добавена стойност на законодателните доклади относно осигуряването на прозрачност, координация и конвергенция в корпоративните данъчни политики в Европейския съюз), Бенджамин Ферет, Даниел Гравино и Силвия Мерлер (Dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino and Silvia Merler) , Европейски парламент.
(26) ‘European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union’, Dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino and Silvia Merler, European Parliament.
(26) «European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union» (Valor añadido europeo del informe legislativo sobre la manera de aportar transparencia, coordinación y convergencia a las políticas de impuesto sobre sociedades en la Unión Europea), Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino y Silvia Merler– Parlamento Europeo.
(26) „European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union“ (Euroopa Liidu äriühingute maksustamise poliitika ühtlustamist ning läbipaistvamaks ja kooskõlastatumaks muutmist käsitleva seadusandliku raporti Euroopa lisaväärtus), dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino ja Silvia Merler, Euroopa Parlament.
(26) Valeur ajoutée européenne du rapport d'initiative législative intitulé «Favoriser la transparence, la coordination et la convergence des politiques en matière d'impôt sur les sociétés au sein de l'Union européenne», Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino et Silvia Merler, Parlement européen.
(26) „European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union” (Az Európai Unióban a társasági adóztatási politikák átláthatóságának, összehangolásának és közelítésének megvalósításáról szóló jogalkotási jelentés európai hozzáadott értéke), Dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino és Silvia Merler, Európai Parlament.
(26) «European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union» (Valore aggiunto europeo della relazione legislativa sul tema «Favorire la trasparenza, il coordinamento e la convergenza delle politiche in materia di imposizione delle società nell'Unione europea»), dott. Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino e Silvia Merler, Parlamento europeo.
(26) Dr. Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino un Silvia Merler, European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union (Eiropas pievienotā vērtība, kas piemīt normatīvajam ziņojumam par pārredzamības, koordinēšanas un konverģences nodrošināšanu uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokļa politikas pasākumos Eiropas Savienībā), Eiropas Parlaments.
(26) “European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union” (Il-valur miżjud Ewropew tar-rapport leġiżlattiv intitolat Indaħħlu t-trasparenza, il-koordinazzjoni u l-konverġenza fil-politiki dwar it-Taxxa fuq il-Kumpaniji fi ħdan l-Unjoni), Dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino u Silvia Merler – Parlament Ewropew.
(26) „European added value of legislative report on bringing Transparency, coordination and convergence to corporate tax policies in the European Union” [Europejska wartość dodana sprawozdania ustawodawczego w sprawie wprowadzenia przejrzystości, koordynacji i spójności do polityki opodatkowania osób prawnych w Unii Europejskiej], dr Benjamin Ferrett, Daniel Gravino i Silvia Merler – Parlament Europejski.


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