Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8106898613701463148



Mae'n hawdd yn y dadleuon hyn inni fel ACau fod braidd yn dduwiol a siarad am sut y dylem fod yn amgylcyhedd-garedig a beth y dylem oll fod yn ei wneud i warchod yr amgylchedd, ond nid wyf ar fy mhen fy hun a chredaf fy mod yn eithaf cynrychioliadol o niferoedd mawr o bobl ledled Cymru nad ydynt o bosibl wedi bod mor amgylchedd-garedig ag y dylasent wedi bod ac y byddent yn gwerthfawrogi mesurau a chyfleoedd i'r ymddygiad hwnnw gael ei herio.
It is easy in these debates for us as AMs to get rather pious and talk about how we should be environmentally friendly and what we should all be doing to preserve the environment, but I am not alone and believe that I am fairly representative of large numbers of people throughout Wales who have perhaps not been as environmentally friendly as they should have been and would appreciate measures and opportunities for that behaviour to be challenged.


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