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As an author, he was born with that magnificent milestone novel Midnight's Children and died after a blindfolded revolutionary zealot put a price on his head, killed his person, confused his persona, corrupted his politics, and turned what was left into a pestiferous Islamophobe on par and paired with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sam Harris, Bill Maher and the rest of their detestable gang. If you have "been" with Salman Rushdie as long as I have since his birth as a magnificent writer, and through his ordeal with Khomeini's fatwa and subsequent moral degeneration into a bitter old Islamophobe, it is hard to resist the irrefutable feeling that the old ascetic Iranian Savonarola did, after all, manage to have the great inveterate novelist "assassinated" and what today we know as "Salman Rushdie" is a Picassoesque impostor - all his pieces might be there but the composition is contorted and grotesque.
Como autor, nació con la magnífica novela Hijos de la medianoche y murió después de que un fanático revolucionario con una venda en los ojospusiera precio a su cabeza, embarrara su imagen pública, corrompiera su visión política y convirtiera lo que quedóde él en un pestilente islamófobo del mismo calibre y emparejado con Ayaan Jomeini y su subsiguiente degeneración moral en un amargo islamófobo, es difícil resistir la inconfundible sensación de que el viejo asceta y Savonarola iraní logró, después de todo, que el gran e inveterado novelista fuera “asesinado”, y que lo que hoy conocemos como “Salman Rushdie”sea un impostor picassiano: todas las piezas pueden estar ahí, pero la composición es retorcida y grotesca.


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