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Weinidog, ni wn a ydych wedi cael cyfle i ddarllen llyfrau fel 'A Child Called 'It', Damaged 'neu 'Unloved: The True Story of a Stolen Childhood', ond gallaf ddweud wrthych mai'r un peth sy'n dod i'r amlwg drwy bob un ohonynt—ac eithrio dewrder anhygoel y plant sy'n goroesi er gwaethaf magwraeth erchyll ac esgeulustod neu gamdriniaeth—yw'r ffaith bod rhywun wedi bod yno fel arfer i'w cyfeirio tuag at fywyd gwell, a hwnnw'n athro yn aml.
Minister, I do not know whether you have had the opportunity to read such books as 'A Child Called 'It'',' Damaged', or 'Unloved: The True Story of a Stolen Childhood', but I can tell you that the one thing that shines through them all—apart from the amazing courage of the children who make it through despite horrific upbringings and suffering neglect or abuse—is the fact that there has usually been someone who has signposted them to a better life, often a teacher.


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