Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8367657840019244188



Some children with learning disabilities have difficulty following social conventions (eg, taking turns, standing too close to the listener, not understanding jokes); these difficulties are often components of mild autism spectrum disorders as well. Short attention span, motor restlessness, fine motor problems (eg, poor printing and copying), and variability in performance and behavior over time are other early signs.
Algunos niños con trastornos de aprendizaje tienen dificultades para seguir las convenciones sociales (p. ej., repetar turnos, permanecer demasiado cerca del interlocutor, comprender las bromas); a menudo, inquietud motora, problemas de motricidad fina (p. ej., dificultad para escribir en letra imprenta y copiar) y variabiliad de rendimiento y conducta a lo largo del tiempo.


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