Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8382380171892407874


Author: cordis


Die EU-finanzierte Initiative GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations) untersuchte die Physik von Erdrutschen, um Vorhersagemodelle für diese Naturkatastrophen zu schaffen.
The EU-funded GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations) initiative aimed to understand the physics of landslides in order to create predictive models for these natural disasters.
Mediante la iniciativa GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations) se pretendió comprender los mecanismos físicos de los desprendimientos, con el propósito de poder crear modelos predictivos de dichos desastres naturales.
L'initiative GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations), financée par l'UE, avait pour objectif de comprendre la physique des glissements de terrain afin de créer des modèles prédictifs pour ces catastrophes naturelles.
L’iniziativa GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations), finanziata dall’UE, ha mirato a comprendere la fisica delle frane al fine di creare modelli predittivi per tali disastri naturali.
W ramach finansowanego ze środków UE projektu GEOGRAF (Understanding geophysical granular flows: From small-scale experiments to full-scale simulations) starano się poznać fizykę osuwisk gruntu, aby stworzyć modele predykcyjne tych katastrofalnych w skutkach zjawisk.


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