Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8473446755720632294


Author: Bianet


DİHA correspondent Metin Yoksu, Yolculuk newspaper Editor-in-Chief Sargın and ETHA executive Okatan were released.According to pro-government Sabah daily reporting about the house raids, Deniz Yücel was abroad at the time of the house raids conducted as a part of an investigation into nine journalists. (EKN/DG)
Kurdish Kurmanji[ku]
Ji ber heman lêpirsînê Tunca Ogreten, Omer Çelîk û Mahîr Kanat jî hatine girtin.Li gor nûçeya Sabahê ya di 25ê Kanûna Pêşiyê de hatî nivîsîn, di heman rojê de 9 rojnameger hatine desteserkirin lê ji ber ku Denîz Yûce li derveyî welatî ye nehatiye desteserkirin.(EKN/MB)


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