Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8490999101694533882


Author: MultiUn


In # began to implement the GEF-funded project for the removal of barriers to the introduction of cleaner artisanal gold mining and extraction technologies. The $ # million global project covers gold mining areas in Brazil, Lake Victoria and adjacent small-scale gold mining areas in the United Republic of Tanzania, artisanal mining sites along the Nile in Sudan, small-scale gold mining along the tributaries of the Zambezi in Zimbabwe, river bed gold mining activities along the Mekong in the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and river bed gold mining activities along rivers in Kalimantan draining into the Java Sea
年,工发组织开始执行由全球环境基金出资的消除阻碍采用洁净手工黄金开采和提取技术的障碍的项目。 这一耗资 # 万美元的全球项目涉及巴西的黄金开采地区、坦桑尼亚联合共和国境内的维多利亚湖及其附近的小规模黄金开采地区、苏丹境内沿尼罗河的手工开采地带、津巴布韦境内沿赞比西河支流的小规模黄金开采、老挝人民民主共和国境内沿湄公河的河床黄金开采活动以及沿着加里曼丹境内流入爪哇海的河流的河床黄金开采活动。


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