Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8500755771832905520


Author: EurLex-2


(57) - In an analysis of Kraaijeveld, a judgment which concerns the interpretation of Directive 85/337, the following comment was made on the paragraph that traditionally appears in judgments regarding the Member States' exercise of their discretion: `Individuals cannot be excluded, as a matter of principle, from invoking that obligation (as opposed to a subjective right of their own) before the courts, nor can the courts be prevented from taking it into account, in order to ensure that the national authorities keep within the limits of their discretion' (D. Edward, cited above, p.
(57) - En un análisis de la sentencia Kraaijeveld y otros, antes citada, relativa a la interpretación de la Directiva 85/337, el apartado que se reproduce habitualmente en las sentencias que tratan del ejercicio, por parte de los Estados miembros, de su margen de apreciación, ha sido comentado del siguiente modo: «Individuals cannot be excluded, as a matter of principle, from invoking that obligation (as opposed to a subjective right of their own) before the courts, nor can the courts be prevented from taking it into account, in order to ensure that the national authorities keep within the limits of their discretion» (Edward, D., op. cit., p.
(57) - Eräässä tarkastelussa, joka koskee edellä mainitussa asiassa Kraaijeveld ym. annettua tuomiota ja siinä omaksuttua direktiivin 85/337/ETY tulkintaa, on kommentoitu seuraavalla tavalla tuomion perustelua, joka perinteisesti toistetaan jäsenvaltioiden harkintavallan käyttöä koskevissa tuomioissa: "Yksittäisiä oikeussubjekteja ei voida periaatteessa estää vetoamasta tähän velvollisuuteen (heidän oman subjektiivisen oikeutensa vastakohtana) tuomioistuimissa eikä tuomioistuimia voida estää ottamasta huomioon kyseistä velvollisuutta sen varmistamiseksi, että kansalliset viranomaiset pysyvät harkintavaltansa rajoissa" (Edward, D., mainittu edellä alaviitteessä 18, s.
(57) - Dans une analyse de l'arrêt Kraaijeveld e.a., précité, relatif à l'interprétation de la directive 85/337, l'attendu traditionnellement repris dans les arrêts qui traitent de l'exercice par les États membres de leur marge d'appréciation a été commenté de la manière suivante: «Individuals cannot be excluded, as a matter of principle, from invoking that obligation (as opposed to a subjective right of their own) before the courts, nor can the courts be prevented from taking it into account, in order to ensure that the national authorities keep within the limits of their discretion» (Edward, D., précité, p.
115. Met andere woorden, omdat het door de wetgever goedgekeurde project de milieudoelstellingen van de richtlijn vanuit het oogpunt van de milieueffectbeoordeling, de voorlichting en raadpleging van de burgers verwezenlijkt, is dit project vrijgesteld van naleving van de letter van de richtlijn.
(57) - Numa análise do acórdão Kraaijeveld e o., já referido, relativo à interpretação da Directiva 85/337, o considerando tradicionalmente retomado nos acórdãos que se referem ao exercício pelos Estados-Membros da sua margem de apreciação foi comentado do seguinte modo: «Individuals cannot be excluded, as a matter of principle, from invoking that obligation (as opposed to a subjective right of their own) before the courts, nor can the courts be prevented from taking it into account, in order to ensure that the national authorities keep within the limits of their discretion» (Edward, D., já referido, p.
(57) - I en analys av domen i det ovannämnda målet Kraaijeveld m.fl. om tolkningen av direktiv 85/337 har det domskäl som vanligen anges i de domar som behandlar medlemsstaternas utövande av sitt utrymme för skönsmässig bedömning kommenterats på följande sätt: "Individuals cannot be excluded, as a matter of principle, from invoking that obligation (as opposed to a subjective right of their own) before the courts, nor can the courts be prevented from taking it into account, in order to ensure that the national authorities keep within the limits of their discretion" (ovannämnda Edward, D., s.


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