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A ydych yn barod i gyflwyno'r farn a fynegodd y Cynulliad yn flaenorol i'r Canghellor ar yr angen i wneud mwy ynglyn â thai , yn enwedig wrth gyfartalu cyfraddau TAW ar gyfer atgyweiriadau a chynnal a chadw gyda'r cyfraddau ar gyfer prosiectau adeiladu newydd ar feysydd glas a safleoedd eraill ? A weithredwch ar hynny er mwyn darbwyllo'r Canghellor bod mwy o angen am i waith pellach gael ei wneud ar hyn ?
Are you prepared to take the view previously expressed by the Assembly to the Chancellor on the need to do more on housing , particularly in equalising the rates of VAT for repairs and maintenance with that for new build on greenfield and other sites ? Will you take that forward in order to persuade the Chancellor that there is a greater need for more work to be done on this ?


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