Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8524869787537596355



Helen Mary Jones : A rannwch fy mhryder y bydd tlodi plant yn parhau os na all rhieni sengl neu rieni tlawd fanteisio ar addysg bellach ac addysg uwch ? Os felly , a wnewch chi addo rhoi mewnbwn i'r trafodaethau presennol â San Steffan ynghylch diystyru budd-daliadau yng nghyd-destun grant dysgu y Cynulliad er mwyn cyflymu'r broses honno ?
Helen Mary Jones : Do you share my concern that child poverty will be perpetuated if single parents or poor parents are not able to access further and higher education ? If so , will you undertake to have an input into the current discussions with Westminster about benefit disregards to the Assembly learning grant in order to inject some urgency into that process ?


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