Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8566185716046571998



But getting back to the whole CIA operation, it’s massively funded this, incredibly massively funded across the world. And they have professional speakers on them that make their whole entire career of pushing the UFO Agenda. They have late night talk shows that go on forever, for years and years, with guys that were always members of the CIA and high clearances and so on that actually host them.
Kwa hivyo chini ya huu udanganyifu wa usoshalisti wanayoleta kutmia GIRFEC huko Scotland, na majina zingine za hii programu kwa nchi zingune, fikra ati serikali lazima itawale kutoka unapolzaliwa hadi kifo na iongoze huyo mtoto hadi akue na katika maisha yake yote na kila saa waku rekebisha njiani ukiwa na mafikira fulani, ama ukiulize swali zzingine, dadisi sana pengene kwa eneo zingine, ambazo sasa ni hazikubaliwi, na utarekebishwa katika maisha yako yote.


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