Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 858607851779616032



Jeff Cuthbert : A ydych yn cytuno mai'r cwbl a wnaiff y cwyno parhaus i'r perwyl nad oes digon o arian neu adnoddau ar gyfer y cynllun fydd peri dryswch a gofid ym meddyliau athrawon , gweithwyr mewn ysgolion a rhieni ? Y gwir amdani yw bod manteision y cynllun hwn , o ran gwell dysgu , presenoldeb a pherfformiad , yn troi'r fantol yn erbyn beirniadaeth y gwrthbleidiau
Jeff Cuthbert : Do you agree that this constant carping about the alleged underfunding or under-resourcing of this scheme will only cause confusion and worry in the minds of teaching staff , school workers and parents ? The truth is that the benefits of this scheme , in terms of improved learning , attendance and performance , far outweigh the criticism of opposition parties


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