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22 V mírně odlišném kontextu (pokud jde o judikaturu Soudního dvora týkající se vnitřního trhu), viz Weatherill, S., in Adams., M a kol. (eds), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013), s.
22 In slightly different context (in relation to the Court’s case-law on the internal market) see Weatherill, S., in Adams., M et al. (eds), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, p.
22 Véase, en un contexto ligeramente diferente (en relación con la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia sobre el mercado interior), Weatherill, S., en Adams., M y otros (ed.), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, p.
22 Ks. hieman eri asiayhteydessä (sisämarkkinoita koskevan unionin tuomioistuimen oikeuskäytännön alalla) Weatherill, S. teoksessa Adams, M. ym. (toim.), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2013, s.
22 Dans un contexte légèrement différent (concernant la jurisprudence de la Cour relative au marché intérieur), voir Weatherill, S., dans Adams., M et autres (eds), Judging Europe’s Judges : The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the Court of Justice, Oxford Hart Publishing, 2013, p.
22 – U nešto drugačijem kontekstu (u vezi sa sudskom praksom Suda o unutarnjem tržištu), vidjeti Weatherill, S., u Adams., M. i dr. (urednici), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013., str.
22 In un contesto leggermente diverso (per quanto riguarda la giurisprudenza della Corte relativa al mercato interno) v. Weatherill, S., in Adams., M e a. (a cura di), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, pag.
22 F’kuntest kemxejn differenti (fir-rigward tal-ġurisprudenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja fuq is-suq intern) ara Weatherill, S., f’Adams., M et al. (edituri), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, p.
22 Zie in een iets andere context (namelijk de rechtspraak van het Hof inzake de interne markt) Weatherill, S., in Adams, M., e.a. (red.), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, blz.
22 A se vedea, într‐un context puțin diferit (în legătură cu jurisprudența Curții privind piața internă), Weatherill, S., în Adams., M și alții (editori), Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2013, p.
22 Pozri v trochu odlišnom kontexte (v súvislosti s judikatúrou Súdneho dvora týkajúcou sa vnútorného trhu) WEATHERILL, S., in ADAMS., M. et al. (eds.): Judging Europe’s Judges:The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice.Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013, s.
22 V nekoliko drugačnem položaju (v zvezi s sodno prakso Sodišča o notranjem trgu) glej Weatherill, S., v Adams., M., in drugi (ur.), Judging Europe’s Judges:The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,Oxford, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2013, str.


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