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Author: WikiMatrix


Literature – Presented to John Trinkaus, of the Zicklin School of Business, New York City, for meticulously collecting data and publishing more than 80 detailed academic reports about things that annoyed him, such as: What percentage of young people wear baseball caps with the peak facing to the rear rather than to the front; What percentage of pedestrians wear sport shoes that are white rather than some other color; What percentage of swimmers swim laps in the shallow end of a pool rather than the deep end; What percentage of automobile drivers almost, but not completely, come to a stop at one particular stop-sign; What percentage of commuters carry attaché cases; What percentage of shoppers exceed the number of items permitted in a supermarket's express checkout lane; What percentage of students dislike the taste of Brussels sprouts.
Sastra: John Trinkaus dari Zicklin School of Business, New York City, karena dengan teliti mengumpulkan data dan menerbitkan lebih dari 80 laporan akademik rinci tentang hal-hal yang membuatnya penasaran, misalnya: Berapa persentase pemuda yang mengenakan topi bisbol yang moncongnya mengarah ke belakang; Berapa persentase pejalan kaki yang mengenakan sepatu olahraga berwarna putih; Berapa persentase perenang yang berenang ujung ke ujung di pinggir kolam yang lebih dangkal; Berapa persentase pengemudi mobil yang nyaris berhenti di persimpangan lampu lalu lintas tertentu; Berapa persentase komuter yang membawa tas kulit; Berapa persentase pengunjung supermarket yang jumlahnya melebihi jumlah barang di rak kasir ekspres; Berapa persentase pelajar yang tidak menyukai rasa kubis brussel.


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