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16“Now then, if you have acted in good faith and integrity in appointing Abimelech your king, if you have acted with good will toward Jerubbaal and his house, and if you have treated him as he deserved— 17for my father fought for you at the risk of his life when he delivered you from the power of Midian, 18but you have risen against my father’s house today and killed his seventy sons upon one stone and made Abimelech, the son of his maidservant,d king over the lords of Shechem, because he is your kin— 19if, then, you have acted in good faith and integrity toward Jerubbaal and his house today, then rejoice in Abimelech and may he in turn rejoice in you!
16 Y ahora, díganme: ¿Han obrado ustedes con sinceridad y lealtad al proclamar rey a Abimélec? ¿Se han portado bien con Ierubaal y con su familia, y lo han tratado como se merecía? 17 Mi padre combatió por ustedes, arriesgó su vida y los libró del poder de Madián, 18 y ahora ustedes se han levantado contra la familia de mi padre, han matado sobre una misma piedra a sus setenta hijos, y han proclamado rey de los señores de Siquém a Abimélec, el hijo de su esclava, aduciendo que es hermano de ustedes.


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