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It penetrates more deeply into that same faith through right judgment, and applies it more fully to life''.114 The word of the Bishop is thus, within the community and before it, no longer simply his private word, but rather the word of a pastor who strengthens the community in faith, gathers it around the mystery of God and gives it life.
Ita sane Concilium Vaticanum II docet: « Illo enim sensu fidei, qui a Spiritu veritatis excitatur et sustentatur, Populus Dei sub ductu sacri magisterii, cui fideliter obsequens, iam non verbum hominum, sed vere accipit verbum Dei (cfr 1 Thess 2, 13), semel traditae sanctis fidei (Ids 3) indefectibiliter adhaeret, recto iudicio in eam profundius penetrat eamque in vita plenius applicat ».114 Est enim Verbum quod, in sinu communitatis et coram ea, non est simpliciter Verbum Episcopi tamquam privati viri, sed Verbum Pastoris qui in fide confirmat, circa mysterium Dei congregat et vitam generat.
Jud 3), penetra-a mais profundamente com juízo acertado e aplica-a mais totalmente na vida ».( 114) Deste modo, esta palavra, no seio da comunidade e perante ela, já não é simplesmente palavra do Bispo enquanto pessoa privada, mas como Pastor que confirma a fé, congrega ao redor do mistério de Deus e gera a vida.


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