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Just as the democrats had, in revolutionary fashion, raged and agitated during the constitutional election contest, so now, when it was requisite to prove the serious nature of that victory arms in hand, did they in constitutional fashion preach order, calme majestueux, lawful action, that is to say, blind subjection to the will of the counterrevolution, which imposed itself as the law. During the debate the "Mountain" put the part of Order to shame by asserting, against the latter's revolutionary passion, the dispassionate attitude of the philistine who keeps within the law, and by felling that party to earth with the fearful reproach that it was proceeding in a revolutionary manner.
民主派在宪制选举斗争时期曾满怀革命的激情,当现在应该拿起武器来证明自己的选举胜利的重大意义的时候,他们却以宪制精神鼓吹秩序,宣扬庄严的宁静(calme majestueux)和合法行为,也就是盲目地服从自封为法律的反革命势力的意志。 在辩论的时候,山岳党力图羞辱秩序党,以一个遵守法制的正直庸人的冷漠态度来对抗它的革命热情,严厉责备它的革命行为,从而把它置于死地。


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