Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8915141962375847487


Author: EuroParl2021


Ищецът е сключил споразумение за отпускане на безвъзмездни средства с ответника по проекта „PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“.
Žalobce uzavřel se žalovanou grantovou dohodu týkající se projektu „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“.
Sagsøgeren har indgået en tilskudsaftale med sagsøgte vedrørende projektet »PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD«.
Η ενάγουσα συνήψε συμφωνία επιχορήγησης με την εναγόμενη για το έργο «PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD».
The applicant concluded a grant agreement with the defendant regarding the project ‘PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD’.
La parte demandante celebró un convenio de subvención con la parte demandada por el proyecto «PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD».
Hageja sõlmis kostjaga toetuslepingu seoses projektiga „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“.
Kantaja on tehnyt vastaajan kanssa avustussopimuksen, joka koskee hanketta ”PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
La partie requérante a conclu une convention de subvention avec la partie défenderesse au sujet du projet «PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD».
Tužitelj je s tuženikom sklopio ugovor o dodjeli bespovratnih sredstava u vezi s projektom „PROactive – tjelesna aktivnost kao ključni ishod koji su prijavili pacijenti u KOPB-u”.
A felperes támogatási megállapodást kötött az alperessel a „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD” projekt vonatkozásásban.
La ricorrente ha stipulato una convenzione di sovvenzione con la convenuta in merito al progetto «PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD».
Ieškovė sudarė dotacijos susitarimą su atsakove dėl projekto „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“.
Prasītāja ar atbildētāju noslēdza dotāciju nolīgumu 115011 attiecībā uz projektu “PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
Ir-rikorrenti kkonkludiet ftehim ta’ sussidju mal-konvenuta dwar il-proġett “PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
Verzoekster heeft met verweerster een subsidieovereenkomst afgesloten betreffende het project “PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
Strona skarżąca zawarła ze stroną pozwaną umowę o udzielenie dotacji na realizację projektu „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
A demandante celebrou um acordo de subvenção com a demandada a respeito do projeto «PROactive — Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD».
Reclamanta a încheiat un acord de grant cu pârâta cu privire la proiectul „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.
Žalobkyňa uzavrela so žalovanou dohodu o grante týkajúcu sa projektu „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“.
Tožeča stranka je s toženo stranko sklenila sporazum o dodelitvi nepovratnih sredstev v zvezi s projektom „PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD“ (PROactive – telesna aktivnost kot ključno poročanje o stanju pacienta pri kronični obstruktivni pljučni bolezni (KOPB)).
Sökanden har ingått ett bidragsavtal med svaranden angående projektet ”PROactive – Physical Activity as a Crucial Patient Reported Outcome in COPD”.


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