Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8936537809071720115


Author: EurLex-2


В рамките на този проект са били изготвени редица доклади (междинни доклади и окончателен доклад A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, декември 2000 г. и ноември 2003 г.).
V rámci tohoto návrhu bylo vypracováno několik zpráv (průběžné zprávy a závěrečná zpráva, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, prosinec 2000 a listopad 2003).
Der er i denne forbindelse blevet udarbejdet mange rapporter (foreløbige rapporter og endelig rapport A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, december 2000 og november 2003).
Im Rahmen dieses Projekts seien mehrere Berichte erstellt worden (Zwischenberichte und Abschlussberichte, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, Dezember 2000 und November 2003).
Στο πλαίσιο της καταρτίσεως αυτού του σχεδίου συντάχθηκαν πολλές εκθέσεις (ενδιάμεσες εκθέσεις και τελική έκθεση «A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney», κατά τον Δεκέμβριο του 2000 και τον Νοέμβριο του 2003).
In this connection, several reports have been drawn up (interim reports and a final report concerning ‘A catchment-based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the Lakes of Killarney’, December 2000 and November 2003).
En el marco de este proyecto, se han aprobado varios informes (informes provisionales y final, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, de diciembre de 2000 y noviembre de 2003).
Tämän hankkeen yhteydessä laadittiin useita kertomuksia (välikertomukset ja lopullinen kertomus, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, joulukuu 2000 ja marraskuu 2003).
Dans le cadre de ce projet, plusieurs rapports ont été établis (rapports intermédiaires et final, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, décembre 2000 et novembre 2003).
E terv keretében több jelentés is született (a 2000. decemberi és a 2003. novemberi, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney című időközi és végleges jelentések).
Nel contesto di tale progetto, sono state redatte varie relazioni (relazioni intermedie e definitiva aventi ad oggetto A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, dicembre 2000 e novembre 2003).
Šio projekto kontekste buvo parengtos kelios ataskaitos (tarpinės ataskaitos ir galutinė ataskaita A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, 2000 m. gruodžio mėn. ir 2003 m. lapkričio mėn.).
Šajā projektā tika sniegti vairāki ziņojumi (2000. gada decembra un 2003. gada novembra starpposma un gala ziņojums, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney).
Fil-kuntest ta’ dan il-proġett, saru diversi rapporti (rapporti intermedjarji u finali, “A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney”, Diċembru 2000 u Novembru 2003).
In het kader van dit project zijn verschillende rapporten opgesteld (tussenrapporten en een eindrapport betreffende ‚A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney’, december 2001 en november 2003).
W ramach tego przedsięwzięcia opracowano szereg sprawozdań (sprawozdania wstępne i sprawozdanie końcowe A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the Lakes of Killarney, grudzień 2000 i listopad 2003).
No âmbito desse projecto, foram elaborados vários relatórios (relatórios intermédios e final, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, Dezembro de 2000 e Novembro de 2003).
În cadrul acestui proiect, au fost întocmite mai multe rapoarte (rapoarte intermediare și raport final, A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, decembrie 2000 și noiembrie 2003).
V rámci tohto projektu sa vypracovali viaceré správy (dočasné a konečné správy týkajúce sa A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, december 2000 a november 2003).
V okviru tega projekta je bilo izdelanih več poročil (vmesna poročila in končno poročilo, „A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney“, december 2000 in november 2003).
Inom ramen för projektet har flera rapporter utarbetats (delrapporter och slutrapport rörande A Catchment based approach for reducing nutrient inputs from all sources to the lakes of Killarney, december 2000 och november 2003).


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