Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 8980289137317829075


Author: Bianet


The lawyers of the association are carrying on preparing the Sarmaşık case they will take to international arena. The lawyers will define the closing down of the association as “crime against humanity” in national and international courts. Then what does that mean? Although international judicial mechanisms are affected by international equilibriums and conjuncture, once it has been agreed that a country has “committed this crime”, the way for International Criminal Court is opened. The officials of the association are taking the condemnation of 32,000 people to starvation very seriously and are determined to pursue a legal struggle for these individuals, to whom we may be talking a lot in the future.
Kurdish Kurmanji[ku]
Parêzerên komeleyê jî, ji aliyek ve amadehî dikin ku dosyeya Sarmaşikê di qada navneteweyî de bînin ziman. Parêzer wê girtina Sarmaşikê di dadgehên welêt û di saziyên hiqûqê ya navneteweyî de weke Sûcê ku li dijî mirovahiyê hatiye kirin” bînin ziman. Gelo wateya vê yekê çiye? Herçiqas denge û konjuktor li ser mekanizmaya hiqûqa navneteweyî bandor bike jî, dewleta “sûc kiriye” wê li Dadgeha Cezayê ya Navneteweyî were dadkirin. Rayedarên Sarmaşikê, bi biryar in ku ji bo 32 hezar însanên ku mehkûmê birçîbûnê hatine kirin, berxwedaneke mezin bo hiqûqe bidin.


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