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Kluwer Law International. Haag, 2000, р. 202 подчертават, че нормите за защита на животните в Европейския съюз обикновено са по-високи от нормите в държавите, които го конкурират.
Bowles, D., Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare“, v Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (vyd.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haag 2000, s. 202, zdůrazňují, že právní normy o ochraně zvířat v Evropské unii jsou obyčejně nadřazeny právním normám vnitrostátním, které s nimi konkurují.
Bowles, D., Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare“, in: Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (Hrsg.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Den Haag 2000, S. 202, unterstreichen, dass die Tierschutzstandards in der EU gemeinhin höher seien als diejenigen in den mit ihr konkurrierenden Staaten.
Bowles και C. Fisher υποστηρίζουν ότι τα πρότυπα προστασίας των ζώων εντός της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως είναι συνήθως υψηλότερα σε σχέση με τα ισχύοντα στις ανταγωνιστικές χώρες: «Trade Liberalisation και Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare στο έργο των Bilal, S. και Pezaros, P. (επιμέλεια.), Negotiating the Future of AgricΕΕtural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, εκδόσεις Kluwer Law International, Χάγη, 2000, σ. 202.
Bowles, D. and Fisher, C., ‘Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare’, in Bilal, S. and Pezaros, P. (eds), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millennium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2000, p. 202, point out that standards of animal protection in the European Union are usually higher than standards in the countries competing with it.
Bowles, D., y Fisher, C., «Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare», en Bilal, S., y Pezaros, P. (ed.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, La Haya, 2000, p. 202, sostienen que el nivel de protección de los animales en la Unión Europea es normalmente superior al vigente en los países competidores.
Bowles, D. ja Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, teoses Bilal, S. ja Pezaros, P. (toim), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Haag, Kluwer Law International, 2000, lk 202, rõhutavad, et loomade kaitse standardid on Euroopa Liidus üldjuhul kõrgemad kui riikides, kes temaga konkureerivad.
Bowles, D. ja Fisher, C., ”Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, teoksessa Bilal, S. ja Pezaros, P. (toim.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haag, 2000, s. 202, väittävät, että suojelustandardit ovat Euroopan unionissa yleensä tiukemmat kuin kilpailevissa maissa voimassa olevat.
Bowles, D., et Fisher, C., «Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare», dans Bilal, S., et Pezaros, P. (éd.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haag, 2000, p. 202, soulignent que les normes de protection des animaux dans l’Union européenne sont habituellement supérieures aux normes dans les pays qui lui font concurrence.
Bowles és Fischer – Bowles, D., Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, in: Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (szerk.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Den Haag 2000., 202. o. – hangsúlyozza, hogy az EU‐ban általában véve szigorúbbak az állatjóléti szabványok, mint a vele versenyben álló államokban.
Bowles, D., e Fisher, C., «Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare», in Bilal, S., e Pezaros, P. (a cura di), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, L’Aja, 2000, pag. 202, sostengono che gli standard di protezione degli animali nell’Unione europea sono normalmente più elevati di quelli vigenti nei paesi concorrenti.
Pezaros (leid.) Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Haga, Kluwer Law International, 2000, p. 202, teigia, kad gyvūnų apsaugos normos Europos Sąjungoje paprastai turi viršenybę konkuruojančių nacionalinės teisės nuostatų atžvilgiu.
Bowles, D., Fisher, C., Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare, izdevumā Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (red.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Hāga, 2000, 202. lpp., uzsver, ka Eiropas Savienības dzīvnieku aizsardzības tiesību prasības parasti ir augstākas nekā attiecīgās prasības konkurējošajās valstīs.
Fisher, “Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, f’S. Bilal u P. Pezaros, Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, L-Aja, 2000, p. 202, isostnu li l-istandards ta’ protezzjoni tal-annimali fl-Unjoni Ewropea huma normalment iktar għolja meta mqabbla ma’ dawk fis-seħħ fil-pajjiżi kompetituri.
Bowles, D., en Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, in Bilal, S., en Pezaros, P. (red.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, ’s‐Gravenhage, 2000, blz. 202, stellen dat de standaarden voor de bescherming van dieren in de Europese Unie in de regel hoger zijn dan die in concurrerende landen.
Fisher, Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare, w: S. Bilal, P. Pezaros, (ed.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Hague 2000, s. 202, utrzymują, że standardy ochrony zwierząt w Unii Europejskiej są zwykle wyższe niż standardy w krajach, które z nią konkurują.
Bowles, D., e Fisher, C. ‐ «Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare», em Bilal, S., e Pezaros, P. (ed.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haia, 2000, p. 202, sustentam que as normas de protecção dos animais na União Europeia são normalmente mais exigentes do que as aplicáveis em países concorrentes.
Bowles, D., Fisher, C., „Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, în Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (ed.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haga, 2000, p. 202, subliniază că normele de protecție a animalelor în Uniunea Europeană sunt, de regulă, superioare normelor din țările concurente.
In: BILAL, S., PEZAROS, P. (ed.): Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round. Kluwer Law International, Haag, 2000, s. 202, tvrdia, že štandard ochrany zvierat v Európskej únii je bežne vyšší oproti normám platným v konkurujúcich štátoch.
Bowles, D., Fisher, C., Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare, v Bilal, S., Pezaros, P. (ur.), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haag 2000, str. 202, poudarjata, da so standardi zaščite živali v EU navadno višji od standardov v njej konkurenčnih državah.
Bowles, D., och Fisher, C., ”Trade Liberalisation in Agriculture: The Likely Implications for European Farm Animal Welfare”, i Bilal, S., och Pezaros, P. (utgivare), Negotiating the Future of Agricultural Policies: Agricultural Trade and the Millenium WTO Round, Kluwer Law International, Haag, 2000, s. 202, har gjort gällande att djurskyddsnormerna inom Europeiska unionen vanligen är högre än de djurskyddsnormer som gäller i länder som konkurrerar med den.


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