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Y Prif Weinidog : Mae graddfa arswydus y digwyddiadau ar ddydd Sul , 26 Rhagfyr a'r dinistr a gafwyd wedyn oherwydd y tswnami , a chwalodd gymunedau a oedd mor bell oddi wrth ei gilydd â Maleisia ac Indonesia drwodd i Genia a Somalia yn Affrica , wedi peri i bob un ohonom aros a meddwl ynghylch cyflwr diamddiffyn y byd yn wyneb ysgytwad trychinebau naturiol
The First Minister : The terrifying scale of the events that took place on Sunday , 26 December and the subsequent devastation caused by the tsunami , shattering communities from as far apart as Malaysia and Indonesia through to Kenya and Somalia in Africa , have made us all stop and think about the world's vulnerability to shockwaves from natural catastrophe


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