Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 9175014287079552599


Author: EurLex-2


Συναφώς, επιβάλλεται κατ' αρχάς η διαπίστωση ότι κατά πάγια νομολογία η Επιτροπή, ενόψει του ρόλου της ως φύλακα της Συνθήκης, είναι αποκλειστικά αρμόδια να αποφασίζει αν είναι σκόπιμο να κινήσει τη διαδικασία λόγω παραβάσεως .
It must first be observed that the Court has consistently held that, given the Commission's role as guardian of the treaties, that institution alone is competent to decide whether it is appropriate to initiate proceedings for failure to fulfil Treaty obligations under Article 169.
Occorre sottolineare in primo luogo che, conformemente a una costante giurisprudenza, la Commissione, tenuto conto del suo ruolo di custode del Trattato, è la sola competente a decidere se sia opportuno iniziare un procedimento per la dichiarazione di un inadempimento .
Ten eerste moet worden opgemerkt dat volgens vaste rechtspraak van het Hof de Commissie, gelet op haar rol van hoedster van het Verdrag, bij uitsluiting bevoegd is te beslissen of het opportuun is om een niet-nakomingsprocedure in te leiden.


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