Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 9191531531124332890



Ynghylch iawndal , sy'n destun pryder mawr , yng ngolwg y buddsoddiad a wnaeth eich Llywodraeth mewn ffermio organig a ffermio'n gyffredinol yng Nghymru , beth fyddai'r sefyllfa gyfreithiol ? Nid atebasoch siaradwyr blaenorol drwy ddweud ai cynhyrchydd yr hadau ynteu'r tyfwr a fyddai'n gyfrifol , neu ynteu'ch Llywodraeth chi , a ymgymerodd â'r ymgynghori i ystyried beth y mae iawndal yn ei olygu mewn gwirionedd
On compensation , an issue of great concern , given the investment your Government has made in organic farming and farming in general in Wales , what would the legal position be ? You did not answer previous speakers on whether it would be the seed producer , or the grower who would be responsible , or would it be your Government , which undertook the consultation to consider what compensation really means


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