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Other members of staff include the dumpy Herbology teacher and Head of Hufflepuff House Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick, the tiny and excitable Charms teacher, and Head of Ravenclaw House, the soporific History of Magic teacher, Professor Binns, a ghost who does not seem to have noticed his own death; and Madam Hooch, the Quidditch coach, who is strict, but a considerate and methodical teacher.
Anggota guru Hogwarts yang lain termasuk: Pomona Sprout, guru Herbologi yang pendek gemuk; Filius Flitwick, guru Mantra yang mungil yang dengan hati–hati ramah terhadap Harry; guru Sejarah yang membosankan, Professor Binns, hantu yang tidak memperhatikan kematiannya; dan Madam Hooch, pelatih Quidditch, yang meskipun keras tetapi baik hati.


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