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Author: WikiMatrix


In the paper The Hill & Knowlton Cases: A Brief on the Controversy by Susanne A. Roschwalb, the author noted that as H&K was a British firm, "what effect did British concerns -such as the possible collapse of its financial institutions, if the Kuwaiti currency, the dinar, became worthless -have on Hill & Knowlton's efforts?"
Dalam makalah berjudul The Hill & Knowlton Cases: A Brief on the Controversy, Susanne A. Roschwalb menulis bahwa H&K adalah konsultan asal Britania, "bagaimana kekhawatiran Britania -semisal peluang runtuhnya lembaga keuangan Britania apabila mata uang Kuwait, dinar, mendadak tidak bernilai -berdampak pada kampanye Hill & Knowlton?"


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