Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 9220000274823979287



Gyda datblygiadau dan 50 MW, bydd yn rhaid inni benderfynu ar y dull gorau o sicrhau bod y broses o roi caniatâd cynllunio'n cwmpasu sut y mae ystyried caniatâd cynllunio 2, sy'n dod ar ôl caniatâd cynllunio 1. Os yw caniatâd cynllunio 1 wedi cael ei roi, byddwn yn dyfalu y byddai caniatâd cynllunio 2—er na fyddai a wnelo ddim â ni petai'n dir y Comisiwn Coedwigaeth,—yn ystyried caniatadau cynllunio sydd wedi cael eu rhoi yn yr un ardal.
With developments of under 50 MW, we will have to work out the best method for ensuring that the planning permission process covers how to take account of planning permission 2, which comes after planning permission 1. If planning permission 1 has been granted, I would imagine that planning permission 2—although, if it was Forestry Commission land, it would have nothing to do with us—would take account of planning permissions granted in the same area.


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