Besonderhede van voorbeeld: 9221381012648603439


Author: WikiMatrix


In video games, he voices Leon S. Kennedy in the Resident Evil series, Chrom in Fire Emblem Awakening, Jack Cooper in Titanfall 2, McCree in Overwatch, Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5, MacCready in Fallout 4 and Edér Teylecg in Pillars of Eternity.
In computerspellen heeft hij onder andere de stemmen van Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil, Chrom in Fire Emblem Awakening, Jack Cooper in Titanfall 2, McCree in Overwatch, Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5, MacCready in Fallout 4 en Edér Teylecg in Pillars of Eternity ingesproken.


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