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Author: EurLex-2


От друга страна, Комитетът на европейските регулатори на ценни книжа (т.нар. „Cervm“(8)) в насоките си относно прилагането на Директива 2003/06 от юли 2007 г.(9) потвърждава в точка 1.6, че ако информацията се отнася до процес, който протича в няколко етапа, всеки от тези моменти, както и целият процес, могат да бъдат квалифицирани като информация с точен характер (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) и в точка 1.7, че освен това, за да се счита за точна, не е необходимо част от информацията да бъде пълна (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Samotný Evropský výbor regulátorů trhů s cennými papíry (tzv. CESR(8)) ve svých pokynech k používání směrnice 2003/06 z července 2007(9) mimoto v bodě 1.6 uvedl, že pokud se informace týká procesu, který probíhá ve více fázích, každá z těchto fází, stejně jako celý proces, může být kvalifikována jako informace přesné povahy (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) a dále v bodě 1.7 uvedl, že aby byla informace považována za přesnou, není nutné, aby byla úplná (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Det Europæiske Værdipapirtilsynsudvalg (CESR (8)) har i sine retningslinjer vedrørende anvendelsen af direktiv 2003/6 fra juli 2007 (9) netop anført i punkt 1.6 at, såfremt oplysningerne vedrører et forløb, som finder sted i flere trin, kan hvert af disse trin på tilsvarende måde som hele forløbet kvalificeres som specifik viden (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), og i punkt 1.7, at det endvidere ikke er nødvendigt, at en oplysning er fuldstændig for at kunne opfattes som specifik (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Der Ausschuss der Europäischen Wertpapierregulierungsbehörden (CESR(8)) stellte im Übrigen in seinen Leitlinien zur Anwendung der Richtlinie 2003/6 vom Juli 2007(9) in Nr. 1.6 fest, dass, wenn die Information einen Vorgang betrifft, der sich über mehrere Stufen erstreckt, jede einzelne Stufe des Vorgangs ebenso wie der Gesamtvorgang selbst eine präzise Information sein kann (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), und in Nr.
Η Ευρωπαϊκή επιτροπή ρυθμιστικών αρχών των αγορών κινητών αξιών (η λεγόμενη CESR (8)) έχει δηλώσει, με το σημείο 1.6 των κατευθυντηρίων γραμμών που εξέδωσε τον Ιούλιο 2007 σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της οδηγίας 2003/6 (9), ότι, αν οι πληροφορίες αφορούν διαδικασία που εξελίσσεται σε περισσότερα επιμέρους στάδια, κάθε μία από αυτές τις χρονικές στιγμές, όπως και ολόκληρη η διαδικασία, μπορεί να θεωρηθεί πληροφορία με συγκεκριμένο χαρακτήρα (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), ενώ με το σημείο 1.7 έχει διευκρινίσει επίσης ότι δεν είναι απαραίτητο ένα πληροφοριακό στοιχείο να είναι πλήρες για να μπορεί να θεωρηθεί συγκεκριμένο (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Moreover, the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR) (8) stated, in point 1.6 of its July 2007 Guidelines on the application of Directive 2003/6, (9) that ‘if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature’ and, in point 1.7 of those guidelines, that, ‘[i]n addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise’.
Por otra parte, el propio Comité Europeo de Reguladores de Valores (CERV) (8) en sus directrices sobre la aplicación de la Directiva 2003/6 de julio de 2007, (9) afirmó en el punto 1.6 que, si la información se refiere a un proceso que se desarrolla en varias fases, cada fase del proceso, así como la totalidad del mismo, podrá considerarse información de carácter preciso (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) y en el punto 1.7 que, además, para que un elemento de información sea considerado preciso, no es necesario que sea exhaustivo (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Pealegi kinnitas seesama Euroopa väärtpaberituru reguleerijate komitee (nn CESR(8)) oma 2007. aasta juuli suunistes direktiivi 2003/6 rakendamiseks(9) punktis 1.6, et kui teave puudutab mitmest etapist koosnevat protsessi, võib iga sellise etapiga seotud teavet lugeda täpseks siseteabeks (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), ning lisaks ka punktis 1.7, et selleks, et teavet saaks pidada täpseks, ei pea see olema ammendav (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Myös Euroopan arvopaperimarkkinavalvojien komitea (CESR)(8) on sitä paitsi heinäkuussa 2007 antamiensa direktiivin 2003/6 soveltamista koskevien suuntaviivojen(9) 1.6 kohdassa todennut, että jos tieto koskee prosessia, joka koostuu useasta vaiheesta, kutakin näistä vaiheista, samoin kuin prosessia kokonaisuudessaan, voidaan pitää luonteeltaan täsmällisenä tietona (”if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature”), ja 1.7 kohdassa, että tiedon ei lisäksi ole välttämätöntä olla täydellinen, jotta sitä voidaan pitää täsmällisenä (”In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise”).
Le Comité européen des régulateurs de marchés de valeurs mobilières (CESR) (8) a d’ailleurs lui-même affirmé, dans ses lignes directrices de juillet 2007 (9) sur l’application de la directive 2003/6, au point 1.6, que, si l’information concerne un processus qui se déroule en plusieurs étapes, chacun de ces moments, à l’instar du processus tout entier, peut être qualifié d’information à caractère précis («if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature»), et, au point 1.7, que, en outre, il n’est pas nécessaire qu’un élément d’une information soit complet pour être considéré comme précis («In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise»).
Másrészt az Európai Értékpapír-piaci Szabályozók Bizottsága (CESR(8)) a 2003/6 irányelv alkalmazására vonatkozóan 2007 júliusában kiadott iránymutatásának(9) 1.6. pontjában megállapította, hogy ha az információ egy több lépésben megvalósuló folyamatra vonatkozik, e mozzanatok mindegyike, akárcsak a teljes folyamat, pontos információnak minősíthető („if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature”), 1.7. pontjában pedig azt, hogy a pontos információvá minősítéshez nem szükséges, hogy az információ teljes legyen („In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise”).
Lo stesso Comitato europeo dei regolatori dei valori mobiliari (c.d. Cervm (8)) nelle sue linee direttrici sull’applicazione della direttiva 2003/6 del luglio 2007 (9), peraltro, ha affermato al punto 1.6 che, se l’informazione concerne un processo che si svolge in più tappe, ognuno di questi momenti, così come l’intero processo, può essere qualificato informazione a carattere preciso (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) ed al punto 1.7 che, inoltre, non è necessario che un elemento di un’informazione sia completo per essere considerato preciso (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Europos vertybinių popierių rinkos priežiūros institucijų komitetas (EVPRPIK(8)) 2007 m. liepos mėn. gairių(9) dėl Direktyvos 2006/06 taikymo 1.6 punkte nurodė, kad jei informacija susijusi su procesu, vykstančiu keliais etapais, kiekvienas iš jų, kaip ir visas procesas, gali būti laikomas tikslia informacija („if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature“), o 1.7 punkte numatė, kad, be to, nebūtina, jog informacijos dalis būtų išsami, kad būtų laikoma tikslia („In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise“).
Turklāt Eiropas Vērtspapīru regulatoru komiteja (CESR (8)) savu 2007. gada jūlija Vadlīniju par Direktīvas 2003/6/EK piemērošanu (9) 1.6. punktā ir apgalvojusi, ka tad, ja informācija attiecas uz procesu, kurš norisinās vairākos posmos, katrs no šiem momentiem, tāpat kā viss process, var tikt kvalificēts par precīza rakstura informāciju (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), un 1.7. punktā – ka turklāt nav nepieciešams, lai informācija būtu visaptveroša, lai to varētu uzskatīt par precīzu (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Il-Kumitat Ewropew tar-regolaturi tat-titoli (CESR (8)) fil-linji gwida tiegħu dwar l-implementazzjoni tad-Direttiva 2003/06 ta’ Lulju 2007 (9), barra minn hekk, jiddikjara fil-punt 1.6 li, jekk l-informazzjoni tikkonċerna proċess li jiżvolġi f’diversi stadji, kull wieħed minn dawn l-istadji, kif ukoll il-proċess kollu kemm hu, jista’ jitqies bħala informazzjoni ta’ natura preċiża (“if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature”) u fil-punt 1.7 li, kif ukoll, ma huwiex neċessarju li parti minn informazzjoni tkun kompluta sabiex titqies li hija preċiża (“In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise”).
Het Comité van Europese Effectenregelgevers (CEER(8)) heeft overigens in zijn richtsnoeren van juli 2007 inzake de toepassing van richtlijn 2003/6(9) in punt 1.6 bepaald dat indien informatie een proces betreft dat in tussenstappen plaatsvindt, elk van deze tussenstappen alsook het volledige proces als concrete informatie kan worden beschouwd (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), en in punt 1.7, dat bovendien bepaalde informatie niet volledig hoeft te zijn om als concreet te worden beschouwd (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Nawet Komitet Europejskich Regulatorów Rynku Papierów Wartościowych (tzw. CESR(8)) w swoich wytycznych z lipca 2007 r.(9) w sprawie wykonania dyrektywy 2003/6 stwierdził w punkcie 1.6, że jeżeli informacja dotyczy procesu, który odbywa się w kilku etapach, to każdy z tych etapów oraz cały proces może być uznany za informację o charakterze dokładnym („if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature”), natomiast w punkcie 1.7 stwierdził on również, że nie jest konieczne, aby element informacji był kompletny, aby uznać go za dokładny („In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise”).
O próprio Comité das Autoridades de Regulamentação dos Mercados Europeus de Valores Mobiliários (chamado «CARMEVM» (8)), por outro lado, nas suas orientações relativas à aplicação da Diretiva 2003/6, de julho de 2007 (9), afirmou, no ponto 1.6, que, se a informação diz respeito a um processo que se desenrola em várias etapas, cada um destes momentos, bem como o processo global, pode ser qualificado como informação com caráter preciso (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) e, no ponto 1.7, que, além disso, não é necessário que um elemento de informação seja completo para ser considerado preciso (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Comitetul european de reglementare a valorilor mobiliare (denumit în continuare „Cervm”(8)) a prevăzut în liniile sale directoare din iulie 2007(9), la punctul 1.6, că, în cazul în care informația privește un proces care presupune mai multe etape, fiecare etapă, precum și procesul în ansamblul său pot reprezenta informații cu caracter precis (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), iar la punctul 1.7 că, în plus, nu este necesar ca un element al unei informații să fie complet pentru a fi considerat precis (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Výbor európskych regulačných orgánov cenných papierov (CESR)(8) vo svojich usmerneniach o uplatňovaní smernice 2003/06 z júla 2007(9) okrem iného v bode 1.6 uviedol, že ak sa informácia týka okolnosti, ktorá sa uskutočňuje prostredníctvom viacerých etáp časovo natiahnutého priebehu, každá z týchto etáp, rovnako ako celý priebeh, môže byť považovaná za presnú informáciu („if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature“), a v bode 1.7 ďalej uviedol, že na to, aby bola informácia považovaná za presnú, nie je nevyhnutné, aby bola úplná („In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise“).
Odbor evropskih regulativnih organov s področja vrednostnih papirjev (t. i. CESR(8)) je zato v smernicah za uporabo Direktive 2003/6 iz julija 2007(9) v točki 1.6 potrdil, da če se informacija nanaša na postopek, ki se odvija v več fazah, je mogoče vsako od teh faz – tako kot celoten postopek – opredeliti kot natančno informacijo (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature), v točki 1.7 pa potrdil, da poleg tega ni nujno, da je informacija popolna, da se lahko šteje za natančno (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).
Europeiska värdepapperstillsynskommittén (CESR(8)) har, i sina riktlinjer från juli 2007(9) för tillämpning av direktiv 2003/6, för övrigt slagit fast i punkt 1.6 att om informationen rör en process som sker i flera steg kan vart och ett av dessa steg – på samma sätt som hela processen – definieras som information av specifik natur (if the information concerns a process which occurs in stages, each stage of the process as well as the overall process could be information of a precise nature) och i punkt 1.7 att en information inte nödvändigtvis måste vara fullständig för att betraktas som specifik (In addition, it is not necessary for a piece of information to be comprehensive to be considered precise).


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