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telecommunications and data communications networks kommunikationsnät

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There is no active translation in Glosbe with these phrases or with this id.


Gebruik keurders om twee tydpunte te kies

2024.03.20 02:21 · Mimmi REMOVE_COMPLETELY · kommentaar: maybe not correct
2024.03.20 02:19 · Mimmi CREATE · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2024.03.20 02:19

initial · @Mimmi
telecommunications and data communications networks→kommunikationsnät: 50
kommunikationsnät→telecommunications and data communications networks: 50

hersiening 2024.03.20 02:21

VERWYDER maybe not correct · @Mimmi
telecommunications and data communications networks→kommunikationsnät: 50
kommunikationsnät→telecommunications and data communications networks: 50

Frasestelecommunications and data communications networkskommunikationsnät
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
geslag neuter

Id: -6938532491344604707