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good and bad qualities a chhiat a that

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2024.05.18 14:22 · Zoran Lombar, a Nazari REMOVE_COMPLETELY
2024.05.18 14:21 · Zoran Lombar, a Nazari CREATE · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2024.05.18 14:21

initial · @Zoran Lombar, a Nazari
good and bad qualities→a chhiat a that: 50
a chhiat a that→good and bad qualities: 50

hersiening 2024.05.18 14:22

VERWYDER · @Zoran Lombar, a Nazari
good and bad qualities→a chhiat a that: 50
a chhiat a that→good and bad qualities: 50

Frasesgood and bad qualitiesa chhiat a that

Id: -7271960854994987464