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dialysis dialysis lonethow


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

Frasesdialysisdialysis lonethow
definisie (kidney dialysis; renal dialysis) Dialysis is a treatment for individuals whose kidneys are failing. There are two types of dialysis - hemodialysis/haemodialysis/hæmodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, that both perform normal kidney functions, filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood. Based on the difference in techniques, there are two types of dialysis Hemodialysis: Your entire blood is circulated outside your body in a machine placed outside the body known as a dialyzer. This dialyzer acts like an artificial kidney that cleans and returns the blood to your body. This is done either at a dialysis facility or at home. The term dialysis generally refers to hemodialysis and there is no difference between these two terminologies. Peritoneal dialysis: Unlike hemodialysis that cleans the blood outside your body, peritoneal dialysis helps filter the blood in the body itself. This is done by allowing cleansing fluid to flow into the abdomen via a tube. The lining of the abdomen extracts the waste from the blood, and then, the fluid along with the wastes is drained out of the body.

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Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity dialysis → dialysis lonethow : 50

Popularity dialysis lonethow → dialysis : 50


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2024.05.02 20:42 · langbot EDIT
2024.05.02 20:40 · langbot EDIT
2024.05.02 20:39 · langbot CREATE · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2024.05.02 20:40

· @langbot
dialysis→dialysis lonethow: 50
dialysis lonethow→dialysis: 50

hersiening 2024.05.02 20:42

· @langbot
dialysis→dialysis lonethow: 50
dialysis lonethow→dialysis: 50

Frasesdialysisdialysis lonethow
definisie (kidney dialysis; renal dialysis) Dialysis is a treatment for individuals whose kidneys are failing. There are two types of dialysis - hemodialysis/jarmo dialysis/hæmodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, that both perform normal kidney functions, filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood. Based on the difference in techniques, there are two types of dialysis Hemodialysis: Your entire blood is circulated outside your body in a machine placed outside the body known as a dialyzer. This dialyzer acts like an artificial kidney that cleans and returns the blood to your body. This is done either at a dialysis facility or at home. The term dialysis generally refers to hemodialysis and there is no difference between these two terminologies. Peritoneal dialysis: Unlike hemodialysis that cleans the blood outside your body, peritoneal dialysis helps filter the blood in the body itself. This is done by allowing cleansing fluid to flow into the abdomen via a tube. The lining of the abdomen extracts the waste from the blood, and then, the fluid along with the wastes is drained out of the body.
Frasesdialysisdialysis lonethow
definisie (kidney dialysis; renal dialysis) Dialysis is a treatment for individuals whose kidneys are failing. There are two types of dialysis - hemodialysis/haemodialysis/hæmodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, that both perform normal kidney functions, filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood. Based on the difference in techniques, there are two types of dialysis Hemodialysis: Your entire blood is circulated outside your body in a machine placed outside the body known as a dialyzer. This dialyzer acts like an artificial kidney that cleans and returns the blood to your body. This is done either at a dialysis facility or at home. The term dialysis generally refers to hemodialysis and there is no difference between these two terminologies. Peritoneal dialysis: Unlike hemodialysis that cleans the blood outside your body, peritoneal dialysis helps filter the blood in the body itself. This is done by allowing cleansing fluid to flow into the abdomen via a tube. The lining of the abdomen extracts the waste from the blood, and then, the fluid along with the wastes is drained out of the body.

Id: -7619432946658077290