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agreement overeenkomst


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie An understanding to follow a course of conduct
voorbeeld We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint **agreement** is signed. We kunnen de invoerbeperkingen opheffen zodra de gezamenlijke **overeenkomst** ondertekend is.
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie A coming together of minds; a coming together in opinion or determination; the coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation. The union of two or more minds in a thing done or to be done; a mutual assent to do a thing. (Source: WESTS)
definisie The coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation.(Source: WESTS)
definisie An agreement, convention, or promise of two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done, or stipulates for the truth of certain facts.(Source: WESTS) Een overeenkomst, afspraak of belofte tussen ttwee of meer partijen in daad door schrijven, ondertekend en bezorgd waarbij elk van de partijen zich gehouden is ten opzichte van de andere dat iets gedaan of niet gedaan zal worden of instaat voor de waarheid van bepaalde feiten.
geslag 女性
definisie The oral or written statement of an exchange of promises. De mondelinge of geschreven verklaring van een ruil van beloften.

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity agreement → overeenkomst : 100

Popularity overeenkomst → agreement : 100


Gebruik keurders om twee tydpunte te kies

2020.03.20 11:17 · GlosbeMT_RnD ADD · kommentaar: batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24
2019.10.30 10:33 · GlosbeRobot EDIT · kommentaar: merge
2019.10.28 11:24 · GlosbeRobot INITIAL · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2019.10.30 10:33

merge · @GlosbeRobot
agreement→overeenkomst: 100
overeenkomst→agreement: 100

hersiening 2020.03.20 11:17

batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24 · @GlosbeMT_RnD
agreement→overeenkomst: 100
overeenkomst→agreement: 100

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie An understanding to follow a course of conduct
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie An understanding to follow a course of conduct

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie A coming together of minds; a coming together in opinion or determination; the coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation. The union of two or more minds in a thing done or to be done; a mutual assent to do a thing. (Source: WESTS)
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie A coming together of minds; a coming together in opinion or determination; the coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation. The union of two or more minds in a thing done or to be done; a mutual assent to do a thing. (Source: WESTS)

definisie The coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation.(Source: WESTS)
definisie The coming together in accord of two minds on a given proposition. In law, a concord of understanding and intention between two or more parties with respect to the effect upon their relative rights and duties, of certain past or future facts or performances. The consent of two or more persons concerning respecting the transmission of some property, right, or benefits, with the view of contracting an obligation, a mutual obligation.(Source: WESTS)

definisie An agreement, convention, or promise of two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done, or stipulates for the truth of certain facts.(Source: WESTS) Een overeenkomst, afspraak of belofte tussen ttwee of meer partijen in daad door schrijven, ondertekend en bezorgd waarbij elk van de partijen zich gehouden is ten opzichte van de andere dat iets gedaan of niet gedaan zal worden of instaat voor de waarheid van bepaalde feiten.
definisie An agreement, convention, or promise of two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done, or stipulates for the truth of certain facts.(Source: WESTS) Een overeenkomst, afspraak of belofte tussen ttwee of meer partijen in daad door schrijven, ondertekend en bezorgd waarbij elk van de partijen zich gehouden is ten opzichte van de andere dat iets gedaan of niet gedaan zal worden of instaat voor de waarheid van bepaalde feiten.

definisie The oral or written statement of an exchange of promises. De mondelinge of geschreven verklaring van een ruil van beloften.
definisie The oral or written statement of an exchange of promises. De mondelinge of geschreven verklaring van een ruil van beloften.

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
voorbeeld We can lift the restrictions on imports once the joint **agreement** is signed. We kunnen de invoerbeperkingen opheffen zodra de gezamenlijke **overeenkomst** ondertekend is.

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