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authentication 인증


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network
voorbeeld Provided is a system for tracking the position of a criminal and an **authentication** method for same. 특정 범죄자 위치추적 시스템 및 그의 **인증**방법이 제공된다.
definisie The process of verifying the identity of a user, computer, process, or other entity by validating the credentials provided by the entity. Common forms of credentials are digital signatures, smart cards, biometric data, and a combination of user names and passwords.
definisie act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
voorbeeld Speech recognition and biometric **authentication** are great examples of a machine interacting with humans from an input perspective. 음성인식과 생체**인증**은 입력의 관점에서 보면 기계가 인간과 상호작용하는 훌륭한 예제입니다.

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity authentication → 인증 : 50

Popularity 인증 → authentication : 100


Gebruik keurders om twee tydpunte te kies

2020.03.20 10:07 · GlosbeMT_RnD ADD · kommentaar: batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24
2019.10.30 10:33 · GlosbeRobot EDIT · kommentaar: merge
2019.10.28 11:24 · GlosbeRobot INITIAL · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2019.10.30 10:33

merge · @GlosbeRobot
authentication→인증: 50
인증→authentication: 100

hersiening 2020.03.20 10:07

batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24 · @GlosbeMT_RnD
authentication→인증: 50
인증→authentication: 100

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network

definisie The process of verifying the identity of a user, computer, process, or other entity by validating the credentials provided by the entity. Common forms of credentials are digital signatures, smart cards, biometric data, and a combination of user names and passwords.
definisie The process of verifying the identity of a user, computer, process, or other entity by validating the credentials provided by the entity. Common forms of credentials are digital signatures, smart cards, biometric data, and a combination of user names and passwords.

definisie act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity
definisie act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity

FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
voorbeeld Speech recognition and biometric **authentication** are great examples of a machine interacting with humans from an input perspective. 음성인식과 생체**인증**은 입력의 관점에서 보면 기계가 인간과 상호작용하는 훌륭한 예제입니다.

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