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indigenous technology inheemse technologie


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

Frasesindigenous technologyinheemse technologie
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie Technologies employed by the native inhabitants of a country and which constitute an important part of its cultural heritage and should therefore be protected against exploitation by industrialized countries; the problem of indigenous knowledge has been discussed during the Rio Conference but it does not receive much protection under the Biodiversity Convention. Article 8 mandates that parties "respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life styles... and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from them". (Source: RRDA / WRES)

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity indigenous technology → inheemse technologie : 50

Popularity inheemse technologie → indigenous technology : 50


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