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capital punishment 사형


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

Frasescapital punishment사형
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie punishment by death
Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie The judicially ordered execution of a person as a punishment for a serious crime.
Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime 범죄자 혹은 범죄자라고 주장되는 사람의 생명을 박탈하여 사회에서 영원히 격리시키는 형벌
voorbeeld Under the Law, a wrongdoer deserving **capital punishment** usually was pelted to death with stones. 율법 아래서, **사형**을 받아 마땅한 행악자는 대개 돌로 쳐 죽임을 당하였다.
Frasescapital punishment사형
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
voorbeeld Does unequal application of the law in favor of certain groups make **capital punishment** invalid? 어떤 집단이 특혜를 받아 법률이 불공평하게 적용되는 일이 있다고 하여 **사형** 제도가 무가치한가?

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity capital punishment → 사형 : 100

Popularity 사형 → capital punishment : 100


Gebruik keurders om twee tydpunte te kies

2020.03.20 11:21 · GlosbeMT_RnD ADD · kommentaar: batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24
2019.10.30 10:33 · GlosbeRobot EDIT · kommentaar: merge
2019.10.28 11:24 · GlosbeRobot INITIAL · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2019.10.30 10:33

merge · @GlosbeRobot
capital punishment→사형: 100
사형→capital punishment: 100

hersiening 2020.03.20 11:21

batch-import-2020-24-20_07:24 · @GlosbeMT_RnD
capital punishment→사형: 100
사형→capital punishment: 100

Frasescapital punishment사형
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie punishment by death
Frasescapital punishment사형
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
definisie punishment by death

Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie The judicially ordered execution of a person as a punishment for a serious crime.
Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie The judicially ordered execution of a person as a punishment for a serious crime.

Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime 범죄자 혹은 범죄자라고 주장되는 사람의 생명을 박탈하여 사회에서 영원히 격리시키는 형벌
Frasescapital punishment사형
definisie legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime 범죄자 혹은 범죄자라고 주장되는 사람의 생명을 박탈하여 사회에서 영원히 격리시키는 형벌

Frasescapital punishment사형
FORM.partOfSpeech.root noun noun
voorbeeld Does unequal application of the law in favor of certain groups make **capital punishment** invalid? 어떤 집단이 특혜를 받아 법률이 불공평하게 적용되는 일이 있다고 하여 **사형** 제도가 무가치한가?

Id: 7501988735919767419