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public prosecutor's office openbaar ministerie


"Vertaalde frases kan baie betekenisse hê. Bykomende inligting wat in die ""definisie"" -veld gegee word, maak dit makliker om hulle te onderskei. Die volgorde van die betekenisse moet van die gewildste wees."

Frasespublic prosecutor's officeopenbaar ministerie
definisie A government agency for which an elected or appointed attorney or staff of attorneys is vested with the authority by a constitution or statute to try cases on the government's behalf, to represent public interest or to take legal action against persons violating federal, state or local laws. (Source: USC / LTM)
voorbeeld The European **Public Prosecutor’s Office** may make use of Seconded national experts or other persons not employed by it. Het Europees **Openbaar Ministerie** kan een beroep doen op gedetacheerde nationale deskundigen of andere personeelsleden die niet bij het Europees **Openbaar Ministerie** in dienst zijn.

Position on the translation page

Position in translation page is determined by translation popularity. It measures how likely word is translated into other. 0 means -- very unlikely (will be on the bottom of the page). 100 means -- very popular. To edit these values click them to go to the edit page.

Popularity public prosecutor's office → openbaar ministerie : 50

Popularity openbaar ministerie → public prosecutor's office : 50


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