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Li stsutseb mantale jaʼo chkʼot ta pasel kʼalal chyal ta plataforma li j-al mantale.
The end of the talk is when the speaker walks off the platform.jw2019 jw2019
Li Josefo xchiʼuk Tacitoe, ti jaʼik chaʼvoʼ j-al-loʼiletik ta baʼyel sigloe laj yalik ti kuxi ta melele.
Secular historians, including Josephus and Tacitus of the first century, mention Jesus as a historical figure.jw2019 jw2019
Jaʼ yuʼun, li j-al-loʼil ta sventa Vivlia ti laj xa kalbetik skʼoplale chal ti ta Isaías 49:15 jaʼ la jun teksto ta «sjunul Pokoʼ Testamento ti chakʼ ta ilel ti solel chkʼanvan tajek li Diose, xuʼ van stuk xa noʼox jech chakʼ ta ilel».
Fittingly, the reference work mentioned above says of Isaiah 49:15: “This is one of the strongest, if not the strongest expression of God’s love in the Old Testament.”jw2019 jw2019
Ti xa tauk ta kʼelel junuk ti kʼusi la sbone, yikʼaluk van jech cha nop jech kʼuchaʼal chal jun j-al-loʼil ti laj yal ti jaʼ la jun «pʼijil jbon kʼusitik ti muʼyuk buchʼu jech xkoʼolaje».
Though you may never have seen the original of any of his masterpieces, you most likely agree with the art historian who called the Italian genius a “marvellous and incomparable artist.”jw2019 jw2019
¿Kʼusi skʼan chal Vivlia ti «ta xchapan [Jeova] li jujun lume; [xchiʼuk ti] ta stuqʼuibtas li jujun banamil ti toj tsotsi[k] [...] cʼalal slajebaltic xa batel cʼacʼale»?
The expressions “many peoples” and “mighty nations” do not refer to national groups or political entities.jw2019 jw2019
Sl 34:18. ¿Kʼusi tspas Jeova ta stojolal li buchʼu «oy svocol yoʼntoni[k]» xchiʼuk ti «lajem stsatsal yoʼntonique»?
Ps 34:18 —How does Jehovah respond to those who are “brokenhearted” and “crushed in spirit”?jw2019 jw2019
Li j-al-loʼil Charles Freeman chal ti jaʼ la yuʼun «mu staik kʼusi xuʼ spak-o skʼoplalike, yuʼun ep tekstoetik bu chal stuk Jesús ti jaʼ mas mukʼ skʼoplal li Stote».
Scholar Charles Freeman answers that those who believed that Jesus is God “found it difficult to refute the many sayings of Jesus that suggested he was subordinate to God the Father.”jw2019 jw2019
Jech xtok, chal ti «me jcʼanojtic o li Diose» jaʼ me tstij koʼontontik ti akʼo «jchʼunbetic li smantaltaque», yan «li xchʼunojel coʼntonti[k]» ta stojolal li Jeovae, li ta sKʼope xchiʼuk li ta xNichʼone jaʼ me tskoltautik ta stsalel li balumile (1 Juan 1:7; 4:7; 5:3, 4).
While “the love of God” moves us to “observe his commandments,” we conquer the world through “our faith” in Jehovah God, his Word, and his Son. —1 John 1:7; 4:7; 5:3, 4.jw2019 jw2019
Yaʼeluke mas ta jtob jabil laj yichʼ chukel, li j-al-loʼiletike chalik ti cham van ta sjabilal 1575.
Historians believe that he died in about 1575.jw2019 jw2019
Li j-al-loʼil griego Heródoto sbie, chal ti toj chopol stalelal kʼalal la spas kampanya sventa paskʼop xchiʼuk li Greciae.
The Greek historian Herodotus recorded some examples from Xerxes’ war against Greece.jw2019 jw2019
Te-me si ’ ch a ’ k ’ el ta mu ’ k ’ i si ’ ch cha ’ biel yanetik stalelik i skuxijik viniketik ta spejel balumile schi ’ uk jun mukta ley Derecho sbie ja jeche muk mu ’ ch ’ u va xok sba ta ilkoló ni ba xokbanuk .
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations ,Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 Xchibal. K’alal ta jtatik jun krixchano ti mu xchʼun ti muʼyuk chbat ta kʼatinbak li buchʼutik chopolike.
10 Scenario 2: A deeply religious householder finds it hard to believe that bad people will not be tormented forever in hellfire.jw2019 jw2019
Li jkontrainvanejetike xi lik sibtasvanikuke: «Ch-och jmilti[k], jech ta jpajesbetic o li yabtelique», xiik.
The enemies threatened: “We shall certainly kill them and put a stop to the work.”jw2019 jw2019
Jun sloilal . Tanto viniketik i antsatik , te me laxa staik sch ’ ielik , i spa-xa staik smalalik o yajnilik oy sderechoik , sin ke staik te ’ k ’ ajesel yu ’ un me k ’ ux-elan razail , bu yu ’ unal o k ’ u schunobil yu ’ un ta kajbaltil ta vinajel i s-ak ’ otik jak nupunukik i spas slekoj snaik i sk ’ upinik ko ’ ol sderechoik ta k ’ u sjalil snupujelalike i spasik seguir chu ’ uk mismo sderechoik aunke sk ’ ej-sbaik .
Men and women of full age , without any limitation due to race , nationality or religion , have the right to marry and to found a family . They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage , during marriage and at its dissolution .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
EP KRIXCHANOETIK chalik ti xchʼunojik Diose, pe mu x-al yuʼunik li kʼusitik xchʼunojike.
MANY who claim to believe in God cannot give a sound basis for their faith.jw2019 jw2019
Li Serge Bardet, ti jaʼ j-al-loʼil ti likem ta Francia xchiʼuk ti xchanojbe lek skʼoplal li vunetik sventa loʼiletik ta voʼnee, saʼojbe smelolal sventa xil buchʼu ti melel li kʼusi chale, yuʼun oy xa ta xchanibal siglo ti mu snaʼike.
Serge Bardet, French historian and specialist in classical literature, has sought to untangle the threads of this debate that have become so knotted over the past four centuries.jw2019 jw2019
Mu xa noʼox x-al kuʼun yaʼel ti kʼuyelan chkaʼi jba bakʼintike».
Words cannot fully describe how I feel at times.”jw2019 jw2019
9 ¿Kʼu yuʼun laj yal Pablo ‹ti mu x-al yuʼun› li kʼusitik laj yaʼie?
9 Why, though, did Paul say that he had “heard words that cannot be spoken and that are not lawful for a man to say”?jw2019 jw2019
Al mirar atrás. 8) ¿Kʼusitik toʼox batem ta yoʼontonik li buchʼutik laj yichʼik jakʼbel sloʼilike xchiʼuk kʼu yuʼun?
Looking Back: (8) What careers were the brother and the sister pursuing, and why?jw2019 jw2019
Skotol gente oy sderecho que sta y s-oyij sta ’ k ’ in , i sta koltael taj u ’ eletik butik sventa sta tuxel va ’ k ’ in staoj ilbajinel i ke ojtakinbil ta ley yu ’ un Constitución ke oy stuxobile .
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
¿Kʼuxi chichʼik chapanel li j-al lekil aʼyejetik ta tsʼakal orae?
What Schooling Is Provided for Pioneers?jw2019 jw2019
7 Li ta skʼakʼalil Noee laj yikta «yavil acʼbili[k]» jlom anjeletik xchiʼuk lik yichʼ sbekʼtalik kʼuchaʼal krixchano sventa tspasik li kʼusi tskʼan yoʼontonik ta Balumile (Jud.
7 In Noah’s day, a number of angels left their “proper dwelling place” and materialized fleshly bodies in order to pursue selfish pleasure on earth.jw2019 jw2019
«Ta sbijubtasoxu[k]»
“Presiding Over You”jw2019 jw2019
Jun sloilal . Skotol kuxlejel oy yu ’ un skotol sderecho i slibertad albil li ta Declaración yu ’ un Naciones Unidase , sin ke t ’ ujbilnoó k ’ u razailal , sp ’ i ’ jil skoloral , ants o vinik , sk ’ op , sch ’ unobil ta kajbaltik , st ’ ujobil ta politiká , o yanetikxa chak ’ uxchi slikemajelal ta oxiltik o slikemajeltal ta genteal , k ’ u yepal stak ’ in , bus ayanel o k ’ uxitik más , mauk t ’ ujbil ta mu ’ uch ’ u va oyuk stunel li Declaraciones sino ke ta skotolnoó .
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration , without distinction of any kind , such as race , colour , sex , language , religion , political or other opinion , national or social origin , property , birth or other status .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Li krixchanoetike mu x-al yuʼunik li kʼusi chkʼot ta pasel ta mas tsʼakale.
Humans cannot tell the future.jw2019 jw2019
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