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¿Kʼusi skʼan chal Vivlia ti «ta xchapan [Jeova] li jujun lume; [xchiʼuk ti] ta stuqʼuibtas li jujun banamil ti toj tsotsi[k] [...] cʼalal slajebaltic xa batel cʼacʼale»?
whereas the deadline for introduction into the Community of meat from these establishments is # Mayjw2019 jw2019
Sl 34:18. ¿Kʼusi tspas Jeova ta stojolal li buchʼu «oy svocol yoʼntoni[k]» xchiʼuk ti «lajem stsatsal yoʼntonique»?
No, I mean why are you locked up?jw2019 jw2019
Jech xtok, chal ti «me jcʼanojtic o li Diose» jaʼ me tstij koʼontontik ti akʼo «jchʼunbetic li smantaltaque», yan «li xchʼunojel coʼntonti[k]» ta stojolal li Jeovae, li ta sKʼope xchiʼuk li ta xNichʼone jaʼ me tskoltautik ta stsalel li balumile (1 Juan 1:7; 4:7; 5:3, 4).
I thought about it a lotjw2019 jw2019
Te-me si ’ ch a ’ k ’ el ta mu ’ k ’ i si ’ ch cha ’ biel yanetik stalelik i skuxijik viniketik ta spejel balumile schi ’ uk jun mukta ley Derecho sbie ja jeche muk mu ’ ch ’ u va xok sba ta ilkoló ni ba xokbanuk .
RemunerationUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
10 Xchibal. K’alal ta jtatik jun krixchano ti mu xchʼun ti muʼyuk chbat ta kʼatinbak li buchʼutik chopolike.
You don' t have to come with usjw2019 jw2019
Li jkontrainvanejetike xi lik sibtasvanikuke: «Ch-och jmilti[k], jech ta jpajesbetic o li yabtelique», xiik.
CBSA TRC marine passages report, October 2005.jw2019 jw2019
Jun sloilal . Tanto viniketik i antsatik , te me laxa staik sch ’ ielik , i spa-xa staik smalalik o yajnilik oy sderechoik , sin ke staik te ’ k ’ ajesel yu ’ un me k ’ ux-elan razail , bu yu ’ unal o k ’ u schunobil yu ’ un ta kajbaltil ta vinajel i s-ak ’ otik jak nupunukik i spas slekoj snaik i sk ’ upinik ko ’ ol sderechoik ta k ’ u sjalil snupujelalike i spasik seguir chu ’ uk mismo sderechoik aunke sk ’ ej-sbaik .
Finally, the charlotte payneUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Skotol gente oy sderecho que sta y s-oyij sta ’ k ’ in , i sta koltael taj u ’ eletik butik sventa sta tuxel va ’ k ’ in staoj ilbajinel i ke ojtakinbil ta ley yu ’ un Constitución ke oy stuxobile .
Has it been five years?Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
7 Li ta skʼakʼalil Noee laj yikta «yavil acʼbili[k]» jlom anjeletik xchiʼuk lik yichʼ sbekʼtalik kʼuchaʼal krixchano sventa tspasik li kʼusi tskʼan yoʼontonik ta Balumile (Jud.
We' re framing it for the Japanese Embassyjw2019 jw2019
«Ta sbijubtasoxu[k]»
It' s my best friend' s kid sister rnd ljw2019 jw2019
Jun sloilal . Skotol kuxlejel oy yu ’ un skotol sderecho i slibertad albil li ta Declaración yu ’ un Naciones Unidase , sin ke t ’ ujbilnoó k ’ u razailal , sp ’ i ’ jil skoloral , ants o vinik , sk ’ op , sch ’ unobil ta kajbaltik , st ’ ujobil ta politiká , o yanetikxa chak ’ uxchi slikemajelal ta oxiltik o slikemajeltal ta genteal , k ’ u yepal stak ’ in , bus ayanel o k ’ uxitik más , mauk t ’ ujbil ta mu ’ uch ’ u va oyuk stunel li Declaraciones sino ke ta skotolnoó .
Consider it... an act of friendshipUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Li chaʼvoʼ jtakboletik taje snopoj xaʼox chbatik ta xanbal ta misioneroal, pe kʼalal kʼot yorail tstʼuj xchiʼilik ta chol mantale «tsots laj yut sbai[k]», jaʼ yuʼun yan-o bu la stam echʼel sbeik ta jujuntal (Hech.
Chloe, patch me through to Secretary Heller' s cell phonejw2019 jw2019
Jaʼ me mas skʼan xakʼbe yipal li totile, yuʼun mi muʼyuk tsmakʼlin li yutsʼ yalale «jaʼ xjelov xchopolil jech chac cʼu chaʼal li bochʼo muʼyuc xchʼunoji[k]» Jeovae (1 Tim. 5:8).
All set for tomorrow at the Famechon' sjw2019 jw2019
11 Yoxibal. K’alal ta jtatik jun krixchano ti xchʼunoj chbat ta vinajel skotol li lekil krixchanoetike.
And look at this.There are organisms here I' ve never seen beforejw2019 jw2019
Ta melel, ti kʼusie jaʼ ti ta jujuntal skʼan oy kʼusi jpastik sventa jchabi jbatik xchiʼuk li kutsʼ kalaltike, yoʼ jech «lecuben xa coʼntontic ta [melel]» kʼalal chkichʼtik ta mukʼ Jeovae, «tucʼ cʼusi oy ta jol ta coʼntonti[k]» xchiʼuk «ti muc nacauc noʼox ta jcuy jbatic ti jchʼunojtique» (1 Tim.
I am going to heavenjw2019 jw2019
15 Kʼalal la svulaʼanik tsobobbail ta Antioquía li jtakbol Pablo xchiʼuk Bernabee, «ep cʼacʼal te icomic; te la xchiʼinic li jchʼunolajeleti[k]» sventa tspatbe yoʼontonike (Hech.
All collateralised operations involving the foreign reserve assets of the ECB comprising repurchase agreements, reverse repurchase agreements, buy/sell-back agreements and sell/buy-back agreements are to be documented under the following standard agreements, in such form as may be approved or amended by the ECB from time to time: for counterparties organised or incorporated under French law, thejw2019 jw2019
Yanxa más toyol técnica o profesional si ’ ch alele a ’ k ’ el ta stojol skotol gente ; según spijil stalel e ’ chemtalel ta yanetikxa vik ’ it chanubtexele .
Where the fuck are you going?Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Skotol vinik antz xu ’ xkux ta yabtel ta jujun xemana , oyuk noox spejeb ti abtel tzapas ta jun k ’ ak ’ ale , xchi ’ uk xu ’ xlok ta yavil yabtel yo ’ xba xkux .
Until one day, when a renegade scientist arrived in the Southland with a cure for our sicknessUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Li ta teksto taje, li «jcʼoplalti[k]» ti xie, jaʼ ti lek chilutik Dios ta skoj ti tukʼ chijtun ta stojolale.
MONET collaborating members include, F Prince (Univ Montreal), a biomechanist, who will examine changes in gait and locomotor patterns and P Imbeault (Univ Ottawa), an expert in adipose tissue biology.jw2019 jw2019
14 ¿Kʼuxitik van yan xuʼ jchʼuntik li mantal kʼalal chal ti «skʼan [xkiktatik] kʼusitik muʼyuk tukʼ skotol li buchʼutik [j]patoj [k]oʼontontik ta sbi Jeovae»?
But what if you could?jw2019 jw2019
Skotol gente oy ta sderecho , s-aibet skotol i ta skotol i ta epal gente i s-ak ’ ot ta mu ’ k ta jun tribunal independiente o imparcia l yu ’ un sk ’ elvet sderechoetik y s-obligacionetik o yu ’ un sk ’ elvet k ’ u yu ’ un spasot acusar me tsots o muk tsots smule , me sta o mu sventa sta chukel .
in Mr. Blume' s swimmingpool, giving each other hand jobs while you were taking a nap on the front porchUniversal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Yuʼun li jun vinik taje «tscʼan ti jaʼ chcom ta banquilal stu[k]» li ta tsobobbaile (3 Juan 9).
If I... just... thinkingabout it now, I realise I' m... raising my voicejw2019 jw2019
Oyuk noʼox me «slequil [k]oʼnton» xi jkʼopoj
Now hold-- hold on.You' ve been dead for a year. I' ve been chased around by these fricking weirdoesjw2019 jw2019
▪ ¿Mi chakʼ ximuyubaj li kabtele xchiʼuk mi chakʼ «acʼo noʼox [j]cʼupin lec [...] li stojol [k]abtele»?
He is jealousjw2019 jw2019
¿Buchʼutik «li lajchaʼchop israeleti[k]» ti te albil skʼoplalik ta Mateo 19:28 xchiʼuk Lucas 22:30?
this guy has evidence, he has everything. we have a story, we have nothingjw2019 jw2019
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