Ingca oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Xhosa - Engels


verb noun
type of herbaceous plant
Ingca ithumela umxube oluhlaza kwiliso lethu.
The grass reflects the green wavelength back to our eyes.

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EBARBADOS: Isebe elitsha laseBarbados kunye neHolo yoBukumkani emelene nalo zikwithafa elityalwe ingca nemithana yeentyatyambo, kwindawo engangehektare nethe ncothu yaza yatsho ngobuhle obungayiwayo boLwandle lweCaribbean olukufutshane.
BARBADOS: The new Barbados branch and adjoining Kingdom Hall are set in a landscape of lawns and flowering plants on an elevated two-and-a-half-acre [1 ha] site that offers a splendid view of the nearby Caribbean Sea.jw2019 jw2019
Nanko eshiya izimuncumuncu nezindlu zokuhlala zasebhotwe, esiya kuhlala endle yaye esitya ingca exel’ inkunzi yenkomo.
Driven away from the royal table and the imperial residence, he lived in the fields and ate grass like a bull.jw2019 jw2019
Njengoko zizimele kwingca ende, ezi kati zinkulu zithi vumbululu ziye kwizilwanyana ezitya ingca, yaye ezi zilwanyana zithi saa ngenxa yoloyiko.
Hiding in the long grass, the big cats rush into the mass of grazing animals, causing them to scatter in panic.jw2019 jw2019
Kwakhona kwakukho inkolelo yokuba ezo sauropods “zazingenakukwazi ukucola ingca eyayomelele ngohlobo lwamazinyo azo.”
It was also believed that sauropods “didn’t have the special kind of teeth needed to grind up abrasive blades.”jw2019 jw2019
NoPetros ucaphula amazwi kaIsaya ekuboniseni ukuba iindaba ezilungileyo zohlala zikho esithi: “Ngenxa enokuba yonke inyama injengengca, nabo bonke ubuqaqawuli bomntu bunjengentyatyambo yengca, ingca iyoma, ivuthuluke nentyatyambo yayo; ke lona ilizwi leNkosi lihleli ngonaphakade.
Peter too quotes Isaiah in showing the permanence of the good news: “For ‘all flesh is like grass, and all its glory is like a blossom of grass; the grass becomes withered, and the flower falls off, but the saying of Jehovah endures forever.’jw2019 jw2019
Zaziyolisa izihlandlo zasehlotyeni xa sasisipha ingca.
It was especially nice during the summer when we would harvest hay.jw2019 jw2019
Ngokomzekelo, ndikhumbula ngomnye uMgqibelo xa sasisebenza nzima sicheba ingca.
For example, I recall one Saturday when we were working hard at mowing the lawn.jw2019 jw2019
Apho kunokwenzeka, isiguli singabekwa ngomqolo kwaye umlomo ususwe nawuphina umtyobo ocacileyo, uyengamanzi, ioli yezibaso okanye ingca yolwandle.
Where possible, the patient should be placed on his back and the mouth quickly cleared of any obvious debris, such as water, oil fuel or seaweed.XhosaNavy XhosaNavy
Izantyalantyala zemvula ezina kumhlaba waseKamchatka oyintaba-mlilo zibangela kuhlume izinto ezininzi, kuquka iindidi ngeendidi zamaqunube, ingca ende, neentyatyambo zasendle ezintle, kuquka neerozi.
The abundant rains that fall on Kamchatka’s volcanic soil produce luxuriant plant life, including berry shrubs, grasses as tall as a man, and glorious wildflowers, such as the rose known as queen of the meadow.jw2019 jw2019
UIma Vieira, osisazi ngezityalo eBrazil, wafunda ngommandla oneminyaka elikhulu ukho owawukhula ingca kwakhona kumahlathi aseAmazon waza wafumanisa ukuba kwiindidi zemithi ezingama-268 eyayidla ngokuchuma kwihlathi lokuqala, kuphela ziindidi ezingama-65 ezikhoyo kweli hlathi lisandul’ ukukhula.
Ima Vieira, a Brazilian botanist, studied a century-old stretch of regrown forest in the Amazon and found that of the 268 tree species that used to flourish in the old forest, only 65 form a part of the regrown forest today.jw2019 jw2019
Ngokomzekelo, kwelaseUnited States, kwezinye iindawo kuye kwamiswa imithetho yokumisela imida yokusetyenziswa kwezixhobo zokucheba ingca ezidumayo.
In the United States, for example, some communities have adopted local regulations to limit the use of power landscaping tools.jw2019 jw2019
Kukho ingca ekuthiwa yi-red oat, i-desert dates, umthi i-arrow-poison, neentlobo ezahlukahlukeneyo zomnga eziwutsho ube yintlango yokwenene loo mmandla.
Red oat grass, desert dates, arrow-poison tree, and several types of acacias combine to give the area a true savanna environment.jw2019 jw2019
Kodwa athi la maNgesi akufumana umhlaba wethu, asika ingca ngamarhengqa, agawula imithi ngamazembe; iinkomo namahashe awo atya ingca, neehagu zawo zagxobha imilambo yethu ehlala iimbaza, yaye sonke siza kuthwaxwa linxele likaKhetsekile.”—Warpaths—Invasions of North America.
But these English having gotten our land, they with scythes cut down the grass, and with axes fell the trees; their cows and horses eat the grass, and their hogs spoil our clam banks, and we shall all be starved.”—Warpaths—Invasions of North America.jw2019 jw2019
Kwiintsuku nje ezimbalwa, kuhluma uhlaza kuze kuvele ingca eninzi eluhlaza.
Within a few days, green sprouts push up through the soil and produce a green flush of grass.jw2019 jw2019
Njengoko iBhayibhile ngokwayo isitsho, kweyoku-1 kaPetros 1:24, 25: “Yonke inyama injengengca, yaye lonke uzuko lwayo lunjengentyatyambo yengca; ingca iyabuna, nentyatyambo iyavuthuluka, kodwa ilizwi likaYehova lihlala likho ngonaphakade.”
As the Bible itself says, at 1 Peter 1:24, 25: “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory is like a blossom of grass; the grass becomes withered, and the flower falls off, but the saying of Jehovah endures forever.”jw2019 jw2019
Le nto ingenziwa usebenzisa amatye amhlophe ekorala, isixhobo sombala, ingca yolwandle, okanye umhlaba omnyama kumahluko womhlaba ongemva.
This can be done using white coral rocks, coloured material, seaweed, or dark soil on a contrasting background.XhosaNavy XhosaNavy
Ngubani owabelwe ukususa ukhula okanye ukucheba ingca ngaphambi kweyadi?
Who takes charge of keeping the weeds out of the front yard or cutting the grass?jw2019 jw2019
“Iidinosaur Zazisitya Ingca
“Dinosaurs Ate Grassjw2019 jw2019
Phakathi kwezinto endandizenza yayikukucheba ingca nokuthumela uncwadi kumabandla angama-28 kwakunye nokuba nembalelwano nekomkhulu eliseBrooklyn.
My work involved everything from cutting the grass and handling literature needs for the 28 congregations to corresponding with headquarters in Brooklyn.jw2019 jw2019
Kufuneka libe namanzi amaninzi kumetyiso ukuze kubekho iintsholongwane ezininzi apho, eziya kulinceda xa sele lisitya ingca.
It needs plenty of water in its rumen so that bacteria and microbes there can multiply, ready for when the youngster begins to live on forage.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 1:9, 10) Emva koko, kwantshula “ingca, utyani obuvelisa imbewu ngohlobo lwabo nemithi evelisa iziqhamo.”
(Genesis 1:9, 10) Next, “grass, seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit” made their appearance.jw2019 jw2019
Indoda esesibhedlele, efayo, ikroba ngefestile, ibone ithambeka elithile ligqatswe lilanga elifudumeleyo, ingca nokhula, iintyatyambo ezimbalwa ezibunayo, unondlwane eqhwaya umhlaba ukuze afumane iinkozo ezimbalwa—zinto ezo ezingabangel’ mdla kangako.
A man in a hospital, dying, looking out a window, seeing a hillside washed in warm sunshine, a mixture of grass and weeds, a few little struggling flowers, a sparrow scratching in the dirt for a few seeds —not much of a scene to emote over.jw2019 jw2019
Ngenxa yoko ingca ibonakala iluhlaza kwiliso lethu.
Thus, to our eyes the grass appears as green.jw2019 jw2019
Ngaphambi kweso sakhiwo kwakukho ingca echetywe kakuhle eyahlulwe ngendledlana, yaye kuloo ngca kwakubhalwe amagama athi: ‘AmaNgqina KaYehova.’
In front of the building is a neat lawn with a narrow path, and on the lawn is a small sign that reads: ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses.’jw2019 jw2019
• Ukulungisa izitiya okanye ingca
• Gardening or doing lawn workjw2019 jw2019
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