Udonga oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Xhosa - Engels


verb noun interjection
vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area
Udonga lwecandelo oluthe nkqo lihambisa umgama wesitulo sombhexi kwaye lusebenza njengesitili okanye udonga lokugcina.
A vertical bulkhead runs the length of the thwart and acts as a seal or reserve wall.

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Emva kokuba kususwe Udonga Olwahlula Amazwe, iMafiya yaseRashiya yaqala ukwaziwa ehlabathini lonke.
With the Iron Curtain rent asunder, the Russian Mafia made its debut on the international stage.jw2019 jw2019
2 Ngoku kunjengokuba kwakunjalo ngemihla kaNehemiya xa amaSirayeli ayexakekile esakha udonga lwaseYerusalem.
2 It is now as it was in the days of Nehemiah when the Israelites were busy building Jerusalem’s wall.jw2019 jw2019
Ngosuku lwesixhenxe, amatsha ejikeleza udonga izihlandlo ezisixhenxe.
On the seventh day, they marched around the wall seven times.jw2019 jw2019
Udonga lugqitywa “ngemihla emashumi mahlanu anamibini.”—Neh.
The wall is completed “in fifty-two days.” —Neh.jw2019 jw2019
Uvukela iBhabhiloni, ngoko ngomnyaka wesithoba kaZedekiya, uNebhukadenetsare nawo wonke umkhosi wakhe bayenyuka ukuza kwakha udonga longqingo olujikeleze iYerusalem.
He rebels against Babylon, so in Zedekiah’s ninth year, Nebuchadnezzar and his entire army come up and build a siege wall all around Jerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
(Luka 1:35) Ewe, ngokungathi kunjalo, umoya oyingcwele kaThixo wayila udonga olukhuselayo ukuze kungabikho kungafezeki okanye siphako esasinokudyobha imveku engekazalwa ukususela ekukhawulweni kwayo.
(Luke 1:35) Yes, God’s holy spirit formed, as it were, a protective wall so that no imperfection or hurtful force could blemish the developing embryo from conception on.jw2019 jw2019
(Hoseya 2:2, 5) “Ngoko ke,” uYehova wathi: “Yabona ndiyayibiyela indlela yakho ngameva; yaye ndiza kwakha udonga lwamatye nxamnye naye, ukuze iindlela zakhe angazifumani.
(Hosea 2:2, 5) “Therefore,” said Jehovah, “here I am hedging your way about with thorns; and I will heap up a stone wall against her, so that her own roadways she will not find.jw2019 jw2019
UDonga lwaseBerlin lwawa ngowe-1989
The Berlin Wall fell in 1989jw2019 jw2019
Xa uDonga lwaseBerlin lwakhiwayo ngoAgasti 1961, ngequbuliso amaNgqina kaYehova aseMpuma ohlukaniswa nabazalwana bawo abaseNtshona.
When the Berlin Wall was erected in August 1961, Jehovah’s Witnesses in the East suddenly became isolated from their brothers in the West.jw2019 jw2019
Xa iintshaba zamaSirayeli zibona udonga luphakama, zithi: ‘Siya kuya sibabulale, size siwuyekise umsebenzi wokwakha.’
When the enemies of the Israelites see the wall going up, they say: ‘We will go up and kill them, and stop the building work.’jw2019 jw2019
Elinye inqaku lomhleli kwiphephandaba lakutshanje lathi: “Kungekudala emva koSeptemba 11, kukho mntu uthile owabhala la mazwi achukumisayo kolunye udonga lwaseWashington, D.C.: ‘Thixo, nceda usihlangule kubantu abakholelwa kuwe.’”
A recent newspaper editorial stated: “Not long after Sept. 11, somebody scribbled these chillingly profound words on a wall in Washington, D.C.: ‘Dear God, save us from the people who believe in you.’”jw2019 jw2019
Udonga [lwaseBerlin] lusenokuba luya lusiba neentanda ezingakumbi njengoko amaqhina phakathi kweMpuma neNtshona eya eqina ngokuqina.
“The [Berlin] wall may become more porous as East-West ties multiply.jw2019 jw2019
UDonga lwaseBerlin luyaqhekezwa njengoko ubuKomanisi buphelelwa
The Berlin Wall is torn down as Communism loses its holdjw2019 jw2019
Kwiinyanga ezisixhenxe ezathatyathwayo ukugqiba olu donga luphantse lube ziikhilomitha ezintathu ubude, abazalwana benza izitena zekonkile ezingama-57 000 baza bakha udonga ngazo ngokwabantu ngabanye!
In the seven months that it took to complete this nearly two-mile-long [3 km] wall, the brothers made and individually mortared into place over 57,000 concrete blocks!jw2019 jw2019
UDonga lwaseBerlin lwadilizwa.
The Berlin Wall came down.jw2019 jw2019
Noko ke, khumbula ukuba umsebenzi wokulungisa udonga olukhulu lwaseYerusalem nawo wawubonakala unzima gqitha.
Recall, however, that the task of repairing the huge wall of Jerusalem also seemed overwhelming.jw2019 jw2019
Imikhosi yakhe igawula imithi yasemaphandleni akwaYuda ukuze yakhe udonga oluziikhilomitha ezisi-7 ubude oluza kurhangqa esi sixeko.
His forces strip the Judean countryside of trees to build a 4.5-mile-long [7 km] wall of pointed stakes around the beleaguered capital.jw2019 jw2019
Udonga lwenqanawe ke ngeke ingangengeni-manzi ekanye ingene amanzi, kweye ibe nekunqamleza ekunye ithathe ubudi binqanawe.
Bulkheads can therefore be watertight or non-watertight, and transverse or longitudinal.XhosaNavy XhosaNavy
Phezu kwako nje ukuxhathalaza kwamaYuda, imikhosi yamaRoma eyayixwaye iimbasa yonqulo-zithixo, yangena kweso sixeko yaza yaqalisa ukudiliza udonga lwetempile olungasemntla.
Despite Jewish resistance, the Roman forces bearing their idolatrous ensigns, or standards, penetrated the city and started to undermine the temple wall on the north.jw2019 jw2019
Udonga lwenqanawe ludla ngokunabela phakathi kweefnyimu ukunqalela kumphantsi wesiqu senqanawe.
These bulkheads usually extend between the frames from the bottom of the hull to the main deck above the waterline.XhosaNavy XhosaNavy
Noko ke, ngumqhubi wesikhephe olumkileyo, owayeluvavanya udonga lomlambo ngaphambi kokutsibela phantsi.
It was the wise crewman, though, who tested the bank before jumping off.jw2019 jw2019
Emva koko wayesakha udonga esebenzisa amatye ebewasuse ngaphambi kokuba atyale.
He then might erect a stone wall, using the stones he had cleared from the soil.jw2019 jw2019
Lwalunokuphinda lwakhiwe njani udonga ngesandla esinye?
How could the work of rebuilding the wall be done with just one hand?jw2019 jw2019
Udonga oluseluphahleni lwenqaba lwenza kube lula ukubona ngaphesheya koMlambo iMinho, ongumda ophakathi kweSpeyin nePortugal.
Its battlements overlook the Minho River, the frontier between Spain and Portugal.jw2019 jw2019
Elo litye lalinokucholwa kwakhiwe ngalo indlu okanye udonga.
Such a stone could be useful for the construction of a house or a wall.jw2019 jw2019
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