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I wonder, could I...Mmjw2019 jw2019
19 忠于上帝嘅人当中,绝大多数会喺地上嘅乐园里面享永生。 统治佢哋嘅,除咗君王基督,仲有同基督一齐王嘅14万4000人。
I mean, who knows the next time he' il ask us?jw2019 jw2019
There was something about you.It was so kind and warm. Your smile lit up that lobbyjw2019 jw2019
Second, options on the following properties up for general urban review:ATatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Yes, that' s the last of my gearjw2019 jw2019
Now you deliver the bridejw2019 jw2019
9 我哋喺本书第7章已经讨论过,使徒约翰喺异象中睇见有14万4000人同耶稣一齐喺天上王。
If my wife has to work, who' s gonna look after the kids?jw2019 jw2019
INTERNATIONAL CO-PRODUCTIONS The support of official co-productions assists Canadian producers in accessing foreign sources of financing along with international audiences for their projects – expanding the potential for Canadian talent both at home and abroad.jw2019 jw2019
Suggests the establishment of a clearinghouse at EU level with the objective of collecting and analysing best practices from all institutions and organisations active in the fight against HIV/AIDS; believes that such a mechanism would help to identify shortcomings in the existing actions and to formulate new strategiesjw2019 jw2019
Other horizontal matters were taken into account in the proposal for the implementing regulationjw2019 jw2019
14 基督嘅思想会影响我哋喺工作地方或者喺学校嘅言行,同埋我哋每日所嘅决定。
Financial management system to be reviewed (with alterations being made to the current financial circuits), to standardise the financial management of the College’s various activities and make it more effectivejw2019 jw2019
You couldn' t understandjw2019 jw2019
Paul) There' s a huge market for fetish videos in Eastern Europejw2019 jw2019
Then I can see you too Karan!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
4 我哋喺第8章学到,1914年耶稣喺天上登基王。(
Target should be clear if you go in low enoughjw2019 jw2019
喺以上假设嘅事例中,发生乜嘢事? 汤姆当时咗乜嘢结论?
The EU will be better able to cope because of its good infrastructure and the agricultural policy goal of maintaining production across the Unionjw2019 jw2019
11 耶和华知道我哋所嘅承诺,而且将我哋嘅誓言睇得好重要。
number of slides prepared and numbers of cells scoredjw2019 jw2019
Mm- hmm, with spiral clusterjw2019 jw2019
4 如果彼得只系根据事情嘅表面嚟判断,佢就绝对唔会去哥尼流嘅屋企。
Cie v. Belgian Statejw2019 jw2019
Why did you have to do this to me again?jw2019 jw2019
36 我哋嘅弟兄姊妹争取崇拜耶和华嘅自由,显出坚强嘅信心。 我哋唔会将呢啲事睇理所当然。
It was a heart attackjw2019 jw2019
通过说话:即使面对百般嘲笑,我哋都热心传讲上帝王国嘅好消息。 呢个王国已经建立,由基督王带领
Because the distance between them always remained the samejw2019 jw2019
I wanted...... if anyone had seen my son...... or knew howTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As a B.Sc. graduate of the University of New Brunswick with majors in both psychology and biology I have always been intriqued by the complexities of the human brain.jw2019 jw2019
And Saro is a manjw2019 jw2019
181 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.