交际手腕 oor Engels


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是 吗, Ray, 也许 你 该 让 医生 看看 你 的 手腕
Yeah, Ray, maybe you should let the doctor check out your wrist.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
那个 意大利 老兄 确实 很 有些 手腕
That Italian dude.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
发生 了 什么 事 , 以 你 的 手腕 ?
What happened to your wrist?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
手腕 骨折 肩膀 脱臼
Came in a few hours ago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
还有 条 线索 他 的 左手腕
There's one other thing.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Their universities do not have the financial means to teach- over and above the mother tongue- a language of communication other than English at that levelMultiUn MultiUn
I had done something wrong.jw2019 jw2019
We cannot, likewise, embrace a new process or “mechanism” on the basis of the diplomacy of the special envoy.UN-2 UN-2
他 用 一小片 鏡子 割斷 了 自己 的 手腕
He slashed his wrists with a piece of the cell mirror.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
海豚 是 好 交际 的 动物
Dolphins are very social.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
此外,在耳朵处测量的生物特征数据 ,例如温度,心脏或血氧饱和度(PPG方法)比放在手腕或其他地方有明显更高的可靠性和更好的响应时间。
Furthermore, the measurement of biometric data such as temperature, heart rate or oxygen saturation can be monitored through via PPG with significantly higher reliability and better response times through in ear monitoring than contact devices placed on wrist or torso.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
我 已?? 记 不得 上次 是 什 么? 时 候 看到 一? 个 二十 多? 岁 的 伙? 计 在 手腕 上? 纹 一?? 亚 洲 字
I can' t remember the last time I saw a #- something kid with a tattoo of an Asian letter on his wristopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
种族主义涉及种族问题和种族同一性,由于有人以政治手腕操纵种族主义,在一国内部和国与国之间引起了种族冲突-- 其中包括“民族清冼”和灭绝种族。
Racism relates to issues of ethnicity and ethnic identity- the political manipulation of which has led to internal and cross-border ethnic conflict, including “ethnic cleansing” and genocideMultiUn MultiUn
我 不爱交际 ? 胡扯
Unsociable, me?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I truly regret that Prime Minister Siniora should repeatedly indulge in such tactics in dealing with the highest international authority and should resort to falsifications and distortions of the facts in order to implicate the Security Council in action alien to its objectives, its role and its concerns as the supreme political authority of the United Nations and that he should endeavour to secure support for one Lebanese group over the other by using the international legitimacy that is the guarantor of the sovereignty of States and the unity and well-being of their people.UN-2 UN-2
On 6 March, she experienced fever and rash (chest, hands, wrists, fingers, bottoms of her feet).WHO WHO
“We heard appalling stories of detainees being hung by the wrists, shackled for years, and terrorized by cell bosses, yet having no real means to hold their tormentors to account,” Richardson said.hrw.org hrw.org
Thereafter, the popularity of wristwatches grew.jw2019 jw2019
Specific objective 2.5.1: To facilitate the access of the population to economical, safe and decent housing, with legal security and in sustainable, socially integrated human settlements, that meets criteria for adequate risk management and universal accessibility for persons with motor disabilitiesUN-2 UN-2
He had cuts on his throat, the inner side of his left wrist and the inner side of his left ankle and abrasions on his left forearm, the inner side of his right ankle and his abdomen, and several of his teeth were missing.UN-2 UN-2
(1Sa 25:29) One end of the sling might be tied to the hand or wrist while the other was held in the hand, to be freed when the sling was swung.jw2019 jw2019
Myat Thura翻译完一个缅甸博客后欲泣,Nyi Lynn Seck引述一位纳尔吉斯台风幸存者所言:「多数死者为女性,很多人说她们并非淹死,而是在洪水后伤重不治...当我站在码头,看见一具婴孩尸体,手腕上还系着一条橡皮筋,数千生命,数千无辜,在水中丧命,在陆上丧命。」
Myat Thura wanted to cry after translating a Burmese blog. Nyi Lynn Seck quoted a survivor of the Cyclone Nargis: “Most of the dead were women.gv2019 gv2019
The Act provides for the creation of conditions conducive to the comprehensive and equitable development of native languages, freedom of choice and use of one’s language of communication, so that all the peoples inhabiting the territory of the Russian Federation may realize their ethnic and cultural potential more fully.UN-2 UN-2
作为教育系统的主流模式,自此开始向有特殊教育需要的学生及其家庭提供不同的教育选择,其中包括:a) 实施教育一体化项目的常规教育院校,适合于残疾学生和有语言障碍的学生;b) 差别化分组,适合于有学习障碍但与残疾无关的学生(临时性特殊教育需要);c) 为有感官残疾、智力残疾、肢体运动机能障碍、交际障碍和语言障碍的学习提供教育的特殊学校;d) 对于实现公平非常重要的另一种选择,就是为因患病无法正常上学或上课,需要在医院学习的儿童和青少年提供医院学校和课堂。
As a cross-cutting feature of the education system, students with special educational needs and their families have the following range of options that promote equality: (a) regular schools with inclusive education projects for students with language disabilities or disorders; (b) regular schools with differentiated groups for students with non-disability-related learning difficulties (temporary special educational needs); (c) special schools that cater to students with sensory, intellectual, motor, interpersonal or communication disabilities or specific language disorders; and (d) in-hospital classrooms and schools for children and adolescents who, for reasons of illness, cannot attend their usual school and thus receive instruction in hospital.UN-2 UN-2
通过 你 的 手腕 的 子弹 去 。
The bullet went through your wrist.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
202 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.