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An approval of an impermissible interpretative declaration is itself impermissible.UN-2 UN-2
Those requirements were offset by underexpenditure in respect of other services, supplies and equipment, mainly attributable to a delay in the implementation of the cost-sharing arrangement for the new administration of justice system; and lower actual expenditure for after-service health insurance owing to a lower than expected number of claims and a one-month premium holiday for one of the medical plans.UN-2 UN-2
A total of 8 advisory missions and 11 workshops were undertaken to build and strengthen national capacity in the areas of trade for development and regional integration, with particular emphasis on capacity-building assistance to member States and regional economic communities in the ongoing negotiations of economic partnership agreements between Africa and the European Union.UN-2 UN-2
Organization of seminars on advanced space applications and new system developments for managers and leaders of space application and technology development activities as well as seminars for users in specific applications;UN-2 UN-2
I commend your work in proposing sustainable development goal 11, which is dedicated to making cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” for all.UN-2 UN-2
The comments, where a corresponding provision is still found of relevance, mean that paragraph 2 should be maintained in the Instrument.UN-2 UN-2
Pursuant to that request, on 25 February 2005, a note verbale was sent to Member States inviting them to provide information on the subject.UN-2 UN-2
这些方法和标准根据国际地雷行动标准制订,并根据克罗地亚本国的情况进行了调整。 这些标准是依照一人道主义排雷法框架而确立的,克罗地亚共和国制定了这样的法律。
These methods and standards are based on the International Mine Action Standards, modified in accordance with Croatian national circumstances, and have been established pursuant to a legislative framework for humanitarian demining, which has been codified by the Republic of Croatia.UN-2 UN-2
We shall briefly refer, in this respect, to three indicators.UN-2 UN-2
The Committee notes, in this connection, that the performance report for the 2010/11 period indicates that, under expected accomplishment 3.1, increased efficiency and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, seven planned outputs were not completed owing to technical issues relating to Inspira (see A/66/610/Add.1).UN-2 UN-2
The view was expressed that the sixth report drew a false distinction between recognition as an institution and unilateral acts of recognition; it was considered impossible to examine one without the other.UN-2 UN-2
In this context, I note that the primary factors impeding the extension of Lebanese Government control over all of Lebanon's territory are the existence of armed groups outside the control of the Lebanese Government and uncertainty over the exact boundaries of the Lebanese territoryMultiUn MultiUn
The conclusion of a new legally binding treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons will make a substantive contribution to disarmament efforts, bearing in mind the inseparable link between such reductions and the deployment of global anti-ballistic missile defence systems.UN-2 UN-2
Several other alternatives, particularly non-chemical methods, have not received sufficient attention in contemporary malaria control efforts, but have an essential role to playMultiUn MultiUn
Takes note with appreciation of the efforts by UNICEF to include the mandates of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system in the next UNICEF strategic plan, 2014-2017, and requests UNICEF to fully align the next strategic plan, 2014-2017, with these mandates, and further requests UNICEF to continue contributing to discussions with other funds and programmes towards developing a common approach to tracking implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review;UN-2 UN-2
The justification provided by the Secretary-General for the present proposal also includes the increasing complexity of anticipated developments in Yemen (ibid., para. 32 (a)).UN-2 UN-2
Civilian police and military observers are now participating in three United Nations peace operations, and troops are ready for deployment as part of a composite unitMultiUn MultiUn
This policy is clearly reflected in the organizational chart of the European Commission (EC) and embedded in the competencies of its Directorates General (DG) for Education and Culture, Interpretation (including training support for interpreters) and Translation.UN-2 UN-2
An agreement was reached for the Business Partnership for Sustainable Urbanization to serve as a platform for the building by interested partners of a private sector network for the exchange of good business practices and models in the sectors of construction, housing finance, water and sanitation, energy, transport, disaster management and reconstruction, information technology and training.UN-2 UN-2
There has also been an imaginative development of norms in this area and the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement are becoming a universal benchmark.UN-2 UN-2
Altogether, a total of 354 test runs were performed.UN-2 UN-2
Although much inferior in numbers, training and equipment, Drozdowski's unit was not attacked by the Russian force, as Novitskiy lost control over his troops.LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
Section II is devoted to a thematic study on forced marriages in the context of trafficking in persons.UN-2 UN-2
All States can be held accountable for complying with this principle, which can be seen as the cornerstone of all human rightsMultiUn MultiUn
Under this principle, the headquarters agreement should include provisions providing, in particular, that:UN-2 UN-2
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